I was reading an article about explosive-strength training and improving 5-km running time trial. This made me wonder if it could be applied to GS. Lots of people training GS already do power/strength training, but if your not you may be missing out.

In the study they used normal training (with less volume) with sport specific explosive-strength: this included sprinting, jumping drills and leg press exercise using fast tempo. This showed greater improvements then just doing normal training. Sport specific explosive-strength: for GS would be swings and all the lifts just with heavier weight, maybe a few deadlift or barbell power clean could be helpful.

One other benefit of power and strength training for GS is that it increases the percentage of fast twist fibres that are fatigue resistance (type 2 X become 2A). This adaptation may help you get a few more reps out if you plan it in correctly.