The link between diet and brain health just gets stronger by the month. The findings of a new study suggest that antioxidant-rich blueberries are the most potent at protecting the brain against oxidative damage that causes mental degeneration during ageing.

Researchers at the University Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM) have reported that a blueberry-enriched diet prevents an age-related increase in a protein (NF-kappaB) that responds to oxidative stress.

The increase in this protein is a probable cause of brain ageing and degeneration. Two years ago the same team showed that a diet rich in blue berries prevented age-related deterioration in aged rats.

Oxidative damage is a key factor in brain deterioration. Blueberries appear to provide real protection against the oxidative damage that leads to a decline in cognitive function during the ageing process.

If you want to live a long, disease-free life, blue berries should be a staple food in your diet. The potency of the phytochemicals contained within blue berries is higher than most other plant foods. In particular, research-proven effects on brain function and protection against cognitive deterioration cannot be denied. It doesn’t matter how great your body looks, if the ol’ grey matter isn’t working, you’re nothing but a large, hairy bag of chemical soup!

The fact is, all types of berries are berry-good, and blueberries are probably the best. We don’t know exactly how much you need to eat but the scientists I know that have completed this research make sure they get a half to full cup every day.

Dr Paul Cribb is an award-winning sports scientist, author, personal trainer and the creator of – the first ever science-based, research-proven, nationally accredited body transformation program. Learn more here.