Wall Balls are a large, soft medicine ball that are easy and safe for pretty much anyone to use and provide a great variety of training options.

Wall Balls are ideal for power development as they come in a relatively light weight range and being soft they can be caught from a distance or at speed without fear of injury.

You can do pretty much anything with a Wall Ball that you can do with a traditional medicine ball, but the softness of the Wall Ball makes them particularly well suited to the following exercises:

Wall Throws

Wall throws are a great way of developing explosive power and will get your heart rate through the roof very quickly.

You want to aim for a target that is quite high and use the simultaneous and rapid extension of your legs and arms to power the ball up.

In order to ensure each rep is consistent, you can use a second Wall Ball as a target for squat depth - this is far safer than using a solid target such as a bench because the Wall Ball is soft so hitting it won't cause injury.

Overhead Wall Throws

These are a variation of wall throws that have a forwards, rather than upwards, trajectory.  So you stand further away from the wall and throw overhead at a target around head height as hard as you can.  Great for working the shoulders, chest and upper back and developing power through these areas.

Rotational Wall Throws

Rotational wall throws are a great drill for developing rotational power through the core, fantastic for things like racquet sports, martial arts and general core training.

Wall Ball Slams

The Wall Ball is excellent for slams because it is soft and has little bounce, this means more explosive power is required when performing a slam to catch it on the bounce.

You can also try variations such as the deck squat slam.

Wall Ball Burpee

These are great fun!  They provide a great way to increase the difficulty of the traditional burpee.

More Wall Ball Training

Keep an eye on this blog for more Wall Ball training ideas, including some great partner drills.