The Prowler Sled, developed by the team at EliteFTS,  has to be up there with the all time best GPP (general physical preparation) tools of all time.  It is simple to use, brutally effective, and can be used to train a wide variety of fundamental pushing and pulling movements.

The Hurt Terminal is an Australian version of the Prowler Sled that is comparable in function and quality.


The Prowler or Hurt Terminal for Strength Athletes

Dave Tate from EliteFTS has described the Prowler Sled as "one of the best training aids [he] has ever seen" and when a powerlifter and coach of his calibre gives a piece of equipment the thumbs up, it's worth paying attention.

Importantly, Dave points out that the Prowler will provide the sort of supplementary training for heavy lifters that will benefit their strength training, and is far more useful in terms of conditioning and recovery for strength athletes than riding a bike or going for a run.

(You can read more about what he has to say on the Prowler here)

The Prowler or Hurt Terminal for Strength Endurance

The Prowler or Hurt Terminal is certainly a powerful tool for building serious strength endurance in the legs and hips - something that everyone from strength athletes to marathon runners can benefit from.

One of the bonuses of building strength endurance in the lower body with the Prowler is that either pushing or pulling it creates minimal eccentric load, which means less muscle damage and therefore less recovery time than other strength endurance training with higher eccentric load.

The Prowler or Hurt Terminal for Speed

With light loads (there is a rule that says no more than 10% of the athlete's bodyweight, but not everyone agrees) and short distances, the Prowler can be used to improve acceleration.  Quick acceleration is one of the most important skills for a huge range of team sports and many track and field events.

Mike Boyle has written a good article on using sled training to improve acceleration, all of which is applicable to the Prowler or Hurt Terminal, to read it click here.

Some More Ideas for Your Prowler or Hurt Terminal Training

All-round Prowler workout:

Prowler races - bound to destroy even the best conditioned athletes:

Going the distance - 1 mile of Prowlering:

Pull and push combination with rope and Prowler:

More Info

To get more info on the Australian version of the Prowler (the Hurt Terminal) click here.