
At the risk of sounding like I'm complaining, the Aussie dollar sucks at the moment. I don't know how it can go from about .98 cents to .60 cents in the US dollar. I thought the US were having the problems?

Anyway, it's not good for our ordering as a lot of our gear comes from overseas and we have to pay in US bucks. It means that we have to pay a lot more for our shipments - the last order was more than $22,000 more than we'd expected. Nice surprise that was!

The bottom line is that our prices are going to have to go up. I hate to do this but with the current economic crisis there's not much choice.

Before the inevitable I've decided to have an Aussie Dollar Sucks Sale. For the next five days (until Sunday November 2) all prices will be reduced by 10%. This is across the board for all products except for weightlifting equipment and all workshops/certifications (sorry about that but these prices can't be lowered).

If you'd like to get your hands on some fantastic products at the best possible price shoot over to this web page for all the details.

I hope this worrying time won't last long and it's a wake up call for those greedy people that caused it. Time will tell.

Over and out.