We all know that when you're learning the technique for an exercise or trying to correct bad lifting habits you should start with a light weight that allows you to perfect the movement pattern.  Aside from anything else, going too heavy when you're learning is a quick road to injury and poor form.

Olypmic lifting is no exception to this rule, especially as it requires such a high level of skill to be performed correctly.

Olympic lifting actually has one of the lowest injury rates of any sport because so much emphasis is put on technique, but that really is the key: those who are serious about it learn to do it right.  Anyone who wants to dabble in it should approach it as if they were going to compete.

Olympic lifting is highly complex and requires a very high skill level.  It is also done with standardised equipment - the barbell is 20kg (well, the men's barbell is but this is the weight that is most commonly used outside of competition) and the plates are of 450mm diameter.

Until now, it has been very hard to get Olympic plates under 10kg, so this means that learning the lifts with plates (which is ideally what you want to do because it is exactly what you'll be doing when you start lifting heavier - lifting from hang position to try to get the correct height or even liting the bar from blocks isn't quite the same) has required a minimum 40kg (when using a 20kg bar).

There is now a solution available in Australia: 2.5kg and 5kg technique plates.

Ironedge Technique Plates

Ironedge Technique Plates come in 2.5kg or 5kg weights and are made to IWF standardised dimensions.

The Ironedge Technique Plates are made from a hard plastic resin that is very durable, they are designed to last and come with a full three year warranty to back their quality.

The Ironedge Technique plates have a 1% weight tolerance and will fit any bar with a stardard Olympic size end.

These plates will also be perfect for those looking to learn good deadlifting technique with the barbell at the right height.

So if you are keen to learn Olympic lifting and do it right so you don't end up injured the Ironedge Technique Plates will be a great asset to your training.

Making sure you get your technique right will prevent the above...

For More Information

For more information on Technique Plates and other weightlifting equipment, check out the Ironedge Website.