Hey Comrades,

We've been crossing the country with Steve Cotter doing kettlebell workshops. We're currently in Canberra after a successful workshop last night. The boys in Canberra were keen and in excellent shape. They've definitely set the bench mark for the rest of the country.

The feedback has been good so far. Many have struggled with the unique training style - it's all about work capacity rather than doing low repetition set. As Steve keeps saying, "It's not about the heaviest weight you can lift one time - it's about finding a weight you can sustain for a given period of time".

The 10 and 6 minute sets have certainly sorted a few people out, but hopefully given them an insight into traditional kettlebell training and maximising work capacity.

To give you a idea of work capacity, our Tasmanian friend and leading Girevoy sport proponent, Paul Tucker, this week jerked a 24kg kettlebell for one hour. He managed to nut out over 1007 jerks - changing arms each minute. Now that's an impressive work capacity and gives you something to aim for.

If you've been to the course we'd like to hear your feedback. Let us know what you liked and didn't like. We're keen to spread the word about kettlebells and give you the best training advice. But we need your help, and the best help is to hear your feedback so we can improve and make things better.

We'll be posting video and more info to the blog soon. Keep your eyes peeled.

Must fly - about to catch a flight to Sydney.

Over and out,
