I went on a mission to Brazil. I was on a quest to train, learn and compete with the best in the world. Secrets revealed that the best in the world still train generic, calisthenic exercises; performing unstructured high repetition exercises with no direction towards specificity or strength and conditioning. It is the lifetime of passion, dedication and pure hard work that makes the Brazilians the best.

Through generations of champions and the sheer volume of amazing Bjj black belts constantly pushing each other, they have developed a culture of grappling which is tough to match, on the surface. So what so you have to do to beat the best at their own game? Train smarter not harder. You have to go outside the usual bounds of traditional exercise and find more effective ways to train.

That’s what this is all about, my people: giving you the specific training hints, tips and workouts that will elevate your grappling to a new level. The best moves for strength, flexibility and endurance, which when put together in a structured program, will separate you from those on the mat, to help you be the one on the dais. First things first, let’s identify the key elements that that make an excellent grappler:

  1. Phenomenal CORE STRENGTH - so you can move your opponent from any position
  2. Upper body POWER and ENDURANCE- to give you finishing ability that last all day
  3. Great hip FLEXIBILITY and JOINT MOBILITY- giving you more game on the ground from all angles.

In order to cover these many varied and complex components of fitness in enough detail, I will be writing each week about specific Kettlebell techniques and other training tool protocols. These will form the base for programs and more advanced combinations for conditioning workouts which will serve to advance your training.

Stay posted and keep rolling.
