How long do the effects of alcohol last?

For example, if you've had a few drinks, how long would I have to wait before I could drive a car safely?

Alcohol is a widely used, socially acceptable drug. Therefore, when I looked to the research, I was surprised this question had not received a lot more attention.

In one recent study, scientists from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, examined the after-effects of alcohol consumption on brain function. Interestingly, the researchers showed that the effects of alcohol last much longer than most people assume.

The subjects in this experiment were tested for motor co-ordination and function before and after the consumption of a series of standard alcoholic servings (7-27grams of alcohol per serving).

Generally, one standard drink yields 10 grams of alcohol.

Interestingly, regardless of the amount, most of the participant’s thought they were okay (free of alcohol’s effects) a couple of hours after they’d consumed up to three drinks. However, the motor co-ordination results demonstrated that it took up to six hours for most of the participants to perform at the same level prior to alcohol consumption.

Food for thought if you plan on driving home after a few drinks.

T'is the season to be merry....but not stupid.

Dr Paul Cribb is an award-winning sports scientist, author, personal trainer and the creator of – the first ever science-based, research-proven, nationally accredited body transformation program. Learn more here.