The Female Starter Pack Deluxe is really the ultimate way to get your kettlebell training underway.  For the price of two personal training sessions you can get a training kit that will keep you going for 6 months or more.

Why the Starter Pack Deluxe?

The range of weights that comes with this pack gives you options so that you can best perform the technique of all exercises and enables you to progress.

Some lifts allow you to lift heavier than others.  For example most people can move quite a lot of weight doing a two arm swing, but won't be able to press the same weight overhead.  Therefore, the Starter Pack Deluxe allows you to match the weight to the difficulty of the exercise.

The three weights included in the pack allow you to move up in weight in 2kg increments.  You will probably start most exercises with either a 6kg or 8kg kettlebell, and then progress to the next weight when it starts to get easy.  This is really important because your body will adapt to using a certain weight and if you keep using that weight your body will stop changing.  You need to continually challenge your body (by increasing the weight or the amount of time you lift for etc) in order to keep getting results.

What's on the DVD?

We found that there was a serious lack of quality kettlebell instructional DVDs out there for women so we made one that has very clear instruction on the technique for several key kettlebell exercises and even gives you common mistakes and corrections to ensure you're training safely.

The DVD takes you step by step through each exercise, it's second only to having a kettlebell instructor in your home, and then shows you some great workouts you can do using those exercises.

Instruction is essential for kettlebell training, it's not a tool you can just pick up and use instinctively, so the DVD is a must for those who are new to kettlebell training.

Here's a sneak preview:

Why is Kettlebell Training Good for Women?

There are countless reasons but here are some good ones:

  • Kettlebells are quick and effective because you can combine cardio and resistance training, excellent for those who are time poor.
  • Kettlebells will not make you bulky, they will tone without adding unfeminine muscle.
  • Kettlebells are great for targeting the muscles that give you good posture - you will feel better and carry yourself better.
  • All women should do some sort of resistance training to maintain muscle mass (important for a healthy metabolism) and prevent osteoporosis - kettlebells are perfect for this.
  • Kettlebells also train mobility and flexibility.

So there are just a few reasons to get started with your kettlebell training ASAP.

For More Information

Go to the Iron Edge website.