I am going to use the same four exercises and show you a number of different ways to program them using the power station. This should help give you some more ideas on how to use the power station.

 The four exercises I will use are the sled push, sled pull or drag, recline rows and dips.The exercises can be grouped in to push or pulls so there are two upper and lower body pushes and pulls.

 You can perform two upper or lower body exercises together or push and pull movements together. A combination could look like this:

            1a Sled push
           1b recline row

            2a sled pull
            2b dips

Using push and pull movements and/or upper body and lower body together will help the muscle recover during sets. When combining the sled push and recline row the fat bar should be set at a good height for both exercises to avoid wasting time changing the bar height.

Using a timed approach is good for strength endurance and fat loss.  Using a 1:1 work to rest ratio could look like this:

            10 rounds
            1a Sled push 30 seconds on
            30 seconds off
            1b recline row 30 seconds on
            30 seconds off

            10 rounds

            2a sled pull 30 seconds on
            30 seconds off
            2b dips 30 seconds on
            30 seconds off

Alternatively you could perform distance on the lower body movements and reps on the upper body movements. 

            5 rounds

            1a Sled push 30 M
            30 seconds off
            1b recline row 15-25 reps
            30 seconds off

            5 rounds

            2a sled pull 30 M
            30 seconds off
            2b dips 15-25 reps
            30 seconds off