Dead Balls are rubber balls filled with iron sand. The flexibility of the rubber outer combined with the iron sand means that the Dead Ball is readily deformed and doesn't bounce easily - it's like a cross between a medicine ball and a sandbag.

Dead Balls are perfect for slams - getting the ball overhead and throwing it into the ground with as much power as possible.  Slams are an awesome drill for developing power and speed, and getting out any pent up frustration.  If you want to make the slam extra hard try to catch it on the bounce (you'll really have to throw the Dead Balls hard to get them to bounce and be very quick to catch them on the bounce).  Do a few of them in a row and your heart rate will certainly be up.

The Dead Balls come in a range of weights: 3kg, 6kg, 9kg, 12kg and 15kg so there are plenty of options depending on what you want to do or your strength level.

Try getting a heavier Dead Ball and doing a thruster with a throw and catching it.  This will really help train explosiveness.

If you're really keen a Dead Ball burpee slam (otherwise known as a Dead Ball Bastard)  is a great way to trash yourself.  Do a push up on the Dead Ball, jump your feet in, get the Dead Ball overhead, slam it (preferably catching on the bounce), put it back on the ground, jump your feet back and start again with the push up (apologies for my push up form in the video, I don't do them very often these days).

For more information on Dead Balls click here.