The Bulgarian Bag is certainly one of the oddest of odd implements given its inventor, renowned Bulgarian wrestler and S&C coach Ivan Ivanov, designed it to mimic a sheep slung over the shoulders.

And why would you want a sheep-like object slung over your shoulders?  Holding livestock over the shoulders is a tradition in Bulgarian folk-style wrestling festivals and it's well known by the Bulgarians that working with that animal weight wrapped around your shoulders will make you as strong as an ox.

Ivanov also wanted a piece of equipment that was pliable, lacking in pointy bits or sharp edges and could be thrown around safely in the wrestling room.

So the Bulgarian Bag was born.

The Bulgarian Bag has surpassed all of Ivanov's initial expectations and is now being used not only by wrestlers but all sorts of martial artists and plenty of other athletes and fitness fanatics.  It is the epitome of functional training equipment.

Here are just some of the qualities that make the Bulgarian Bag a great addition to anyone's strength and conditioning regime:

  • It can be swung in many different planes and used for 'circular' training.
  •  The ability to swing it in different planes and sling it over the shoulders means you can unite many different movement patterns in the same exercise.
  • It lends itself to throwing and catching.
  • It is a comfortable means of adding load to bodyweight exercises such as push ups, lunge variations and squats, as well as a range of plyometric exercises.
  • It is perfect for power/strength endurance training.
  • It is perfect for full body training.
  • It's portable.

Iron Edge now stocks a range of the original Bulgarian Bag from Ivanov's company, Suples.  These bags are of the highest quality:

  • The weight comes from individually sealed satchels of sand that are then wrapped in wool, paying homage to the inspiration for the bag and giving it softness and pliability.
  • The outer casing is made from real leather that is carefully stitched to ensure longevity and durability.
  • Three different types on the bag allow for variation in grip position so you can mix it up.

Iron Edge stocks 5kg, 8kg, 12kg, 17kg and 22kg Bulgarian Bags giving you plenty of options for variation and progression in training.

So, if you're ready to get your hands on one of these legendary bags and want some training ideas you should find plenty in the videos below and more with a bit of imagination...

For more info on Bulgarian Bags in Australia click here.