In April this year, Pavlos Georgiardis set a new record for super heavy kettlebell lifting.  Pavlos mananged an astonishing 10 one arm jerks with a 90kg kettlebell, beating the previous known record by 3 reps.

There are a few things that make this record even more impressive than it first appears.  First, Pavlos doesn't train specifically for heavy kettlebell lifting, he trains for traditional kettlebell sport (so for jerks that's with 2x32kg bells).

In the days leading up to this effort, he had done max sets of jerks (10 mins with 32s) and snatches (again 10 mins with a 32kg) so he was far from fresh.

Pavlos didn't wear any wrist protection (just having 90kg resting against your wrist would be extremely uncomfortable), nor did he wear lifting shoes (he was wearing an old pair of sneakers with holes in them).

This record really does represent the true spirit of kettlebell training - nothing fancy is required, just good technique, hard work and a lot of balls.