In terms of fat loss, do you think will power is all that you need to be successful?

The willpower to leave behind the lifestyle of reaching for that pack of Tim Tams, candies, or cakes when you are feeling emotional, frustrated, or defeated? Think again.

Will power, although a powerful tool, is not the only (or even the most powerful) resource our brain has at its disposal to keep us in line with our healthy lifestyle.

In a recent study utilizing functional MRI researchers set out to investigate the effect that precommitment (defined here as the voluntary restriction of access to temptations) had on signaling within the brain.

That is, what was different in the brain of people who committed themselves to avoiding any temptation before they were presented with it? In essence, removing any potential temptation from their surrounding.

Interestingly investigators found activation in different parts of the brain when individuals precommited to a situation versus individuals who tried to rely on willpower.

Not only did precommitment activate different areas of the brain but it also resulted in improved self-control. Precommited individuals were also more likely to make choices leading to larger, delayed rewards rather than giving in to smaller but more immediate rewards.

What does all of this have to do with you?

Rather than hang our clients hopes on computer printouts and diet sheets, MP systematically constructs an environment that yields the best possible chance for success – real solutions to the situations we face every day! This involves a series of simple but highly effective precommitment strategies.

The MP systems create very simple yet highly effective, integrated cognitive & behavioral processes that turns those good intention into a lifestyle! Metabolic Priming, Nutrition Timing, How to Match Exercise to Nutrition. Create Metabolically Precise meals in less than 10 minutes. Daily & weekly plan construction. Plus The MP Kitchen Systems, How to Build Supplement Programs, Metabolic Classify, Body Composition Assessment and so much more!

With the MP Level 1 Metabolic Nutrition sure you get a comprehensive accreditation, a stack of CEC's complete with the latest, cutting-edge research. However, you also gain the skills, tools, systems & community support that empower clients to regain control. Taking the step of precommitment actually signals your brain to plan for the future rather than just the next 5 minutes. Precommitment increases the likelihood of success.

Reference: Restricting Temptations: Neural Mechanisms of Precommitment, Molly J. Crockett, Barbara R. Braams, Luke Clark, Philippe N. Tobler, Trevor W. Robbins, Tobias Kalenscher; Neuron published online 24 July 2013 (Vol. 79, Issue 2, pp. 391-401).

Dr Paul Cribb is an award-winning scientist, author, and the creator of – the first ever science-based, research-proven, nationally accredited body transformation program. Learn more here