Ok, it's no surprise that I'm a big fan of kettlebells. After all, they've become my business and helped me get into the best shape of my life. (I'm a bit rusty at the moment but I'm getting back into it)

Here's what I like most about kettlebells and kettlebell training:

  • The workouts are fast: Train the whole body with the one tool. You can wipe yourself out (if you choose to) in an express 10 minute workout.
  • I can do them anywhere. There is too much down time going to the gym. With kettlebells I can do a workout anywhere and anytime. Just give me a two square metres- outside in the fresh air preferably, and my kettlebell and I'm set.
  • Fun. There's so many exercises that I can do with kettlebells I never get bored. Kettlebells are so much more interesting than traditional forms of exercise that I'll never go back. There is a real 'skill' to lifting them.
  • Natural progression. When I feel I have mastered an exercise there's always another drill or heavier weight that can push me to the limit. This keeps me motivated and moving forward with my fitness.

Tell me what you like

I'd like to hear what you think about kettlebells. Don't hold back. Tell me your likes and dislikes. Share your favourite exercises and anything else you'd like to get off your chest.

I'm interested in hearing your opinions - whatever they may be.

Place your comments/questions below.

Over and out,
