As a powerlifter I obviously spend a lot of time under the barbell squatting and benching. The barbell is an essential tool and I can’t state enough how valuable a good quality barbell is for strength training. However, I have two new favourites that, while not absolutely essential, offer extremely useful variations to my normal repertoire of exercises. These are the Strongman Log and the Swiss Bar.

I can use both of these for bench, incline, overhead pressing, triceps exercises like JM presses and also front squats, rows and more. I think if you use your imagination you’ll see that there you can do pretty much any barbell movement with them. So why use them rather than a barbell? It’s not just about novelty and variation - although both offer this. They offer a range of different grips that the barbell doesn’t and their shape alters the way they sit against the body.

I love the way the Strongman Log sits against the body when you clean and press it. Its thickness is particularly good if you suffer from tight shoulders or limited shoulder mobility. But one of the things I love about both is the neutral grip. Constant pressing with a barbell can be hard on the shoulders. The neutral grip offers some relief there. Pressing with the hands rotated into a neutral grip will also keep the elbows tucked in. This is one of the reasons most will find it kinder on the shoulders, as elbow flare tends to aggravate things. It also loads the triceps, so it is perfect building triceps strength and lockout power. The Swiss Bar and Strongman Log compliment the barbell. You can use then in the rack, with bands and chains, just like the barbell. But they can do things you can’t do with the barbell.

On top of all that, I have to admit, it just feels awesome pressing a log.