Whenever my training is going great and I’m reaching some sort of peak condition I always seem to get sick. Why does this happen and can I prevent it?

Some people just don't realize you don’t get a cold or the flu by ‘accident’. Think about this; if one person with a cold sneezes in a room filled with 20 other people, do you think all 20 come down with a cold?

Of course not.

It all comes down to the strength of your immune system.

When your immune system is weak your body is more likely to lose the battle with whatever virus it is currently fighting. More than any other activity, intense exercise ‘taxes’ the immune system. While research shows that physically fit people have superior immune systems, recent studies indicate intense sessions can result in immune suppression that lasts for up to 5 hours after an intense workout. This is the time you are most susceptible to illness and infection.

The strength of your immune system is based on the quality of your nutrition. During the post-workout time frame is best to consume the immune-enhancing proteins such as whey protein isolate and glutamine. Frequent doses of vitamin C (500-1000mg) and vitamin E (500iu) will also be useful during this time.

Here is an immune-boosting supplement regime to follow after every intense workout.

One small serving of whey protein isolate (20-40grams just before the workout.

Vitamin C (500-1000mg) and vitamin E (500iu) with your metabolically precise post-workout wholefood meal.

One teaspoon (5 grams) of glutamine mixed in any liquid.

Then another serving of whey protein isolate (20-40grams)  within this 5-hour post workout time frame.

This simple strategy will boost blood plasma antioxidant capacities at the critical time to help reduce immune changes that increase the risk of infection. Athletes I’ve worked with over the years have followed this simple regime and completely avoided the annual bout of colds or flu that strikes down most people.

Dr Paul Cribb is the creator of mp-body.com – the first every science-based, research-proven, nationally accredited body transformation program.