The Power Station offers the rugby team, or individual rugby player, many benefits.  Strength and power are essential for rugby, with vertical exercises such as squats, power cleans and deadlifts being staples for most rugby players.  However, horizontal exercises like scrum machine drills and sled runs are also used a lot.  This is where the Power Station comes into its own.

The Power Station is such good value for money because you can perform vertical movements like squats as well as horizontal movements like sled runs.  You can perform an almost identical movement to the scrum machine by adjusting the middle bar and bracing with your upper body.

One of the added benefits of the Power Station is that you can attach bands to it and adjust the tension as needed.

Sample program

Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

1 Power cleans 4x3                1 Squats 4 x 8                          1 Sled push 5 x 20m

2 Rack pulls 3x5                     2 push press 4 x 4                   2 sled runs 5 x 20m

3a bench press 4x5             3a dips 3x10                           3a bent over rows 2 x 15

3b chins 4x5                         3b pull ups3x10                      3b incline bench 2 x15