Kettlebells have helped me incredibly in the short time I have used them. I have made it my mission to know as much as I can about them and their many applications to flexibility, strengthening and conditioning. I have only been doing Brazillian juijitsu for 18months, but after my 1st roll, I could see Kettlebells were the right tool for the job. The demands on the core and upper body were so dynamic and nonstop, not to mention the constant activity and flexibility required of the hips and legs.

The purpose of this is to highlight those specific exercises for general core and upper body strengthening and co-ordination. I will go into more detail on power development, conditioning and endurance using Kettlebells in future posts. For now just try these 3 in this format and let me know if it helps. This is not gospel it just some ideas on effective strengthening as opposed to generic, high repetition work.

Complete these exercises for no more than 5 reps per set. Start with 2 sets of each exercise and gradually work up to 3sets. They are in order of hardest to easiest so please do them in this sequence. You will know if you have selected the right weight because it will only be physically possible to complete 5reps, this is for strengthening not endurance. Stay rolling - Tenacity.