The sled is a great versatile strength and conditioning tool. It can be combined with kettlebells, ropes, sandbags or weight vests for a brutal workout. Lots of the exercises have less emphasis on the eccentric contraction so you don’t get too sore after training, e.g. when you do a lunge with only sled the resistance is stopping you going forward not pulling you down with gravity. Another benefit of the sled is that the leg can be loaded in full extension.

Backward/forwards sled dragging are great strength exercise, you can count each step as a rep, or go for distance or time. They can also be used as a warm up or as a finisher.

You can build muscle with this type of training if you have not been exposed to this before. If you were looking to build your calves try 20%-40% body weight on the sled, running up hill. Start off with the sets lasting 10 seconds, and building up to 30 seconds.

Try one of these conditioning circuits out, try and do as many rounds in 15 minutes as you can.

1.  20%- 40% body weight on the sled

bear crawl 20m, sprint 20m, bear crawl 20m (better up hill)

2. 20%- 40% body weight on the sled and 2 medium to light kettlebells

Press 10 reps over head walk 20m, clean 10 reps racked walk 20m, swing 10 reps farmers walks 20m.

3. 10%- 40% body weight on the sled and 2 medium to light kettlebells

Bear crawl 20m, sprint 20m, pick up 2 waiting kettlebells, long cycle clean and jerk 10reps, lunge with sled and kettlebell racked 20m, renegade rows with push up reps, bear crawl with bells 20m.

Try these out and let me you how you go. It would be great to hear from any sprinters or coaches that use sleds.