This is another article by Jamie Hale on his experiences with sledgehammer training from

Intro To Sledgehammer Training

By Coach Jamie Hale
I was outside of my facility (Total Body Fitness) a few weeks ago doing some Sledgehammer Tire Chopping when I heard some giggles as I pounded away on the tire. When I turned to see where the giggles were coming from I discovered it was one of my clients who I train 2x times per week. This guy is 50 years old and has significantly increased his over all fitness levels within the last year. He looks and me says “what are you doing out here hitting a tire while you have thousands of dollars of equipment inside?” I looked at him smiled and simply replied “getting fit.” I explained the benefits of sledgehammer work that cannot possibly be imitated in the gym He listened with intent but was still a little unsure. He was shocked when I told him at the end of your session today you are going to perform some sledgehammer work.
He has been performing sledgehammer work for two weeks now, and has shown improvement with each session. His anaerobic endurance has improved substantially, his range of motion has increased, and his core strength and mental toughness have soared as well. In my programs the sledgehammer plays an important role in developing fitness. Why don’t more people utilize this tool? I would say there are a couple of key reasons why people do not use this tool, as they should. The main two reasons are that it is hard work, and it does not look fancy. With proper use of the sledgehammer trainees report enhanced over all fitness. Below I have listed some benefits that can be expected when incorporating Sledgehammer Training into your regimen.
• Rotational Strength and Power
• Core strength
• Increased dynamic range of motion
• Coordination
• Learn to transmit force from the ground up through the arms (key quality in most sports)
• Enhanced work capacity
• Mental toughness
• Restoration
• Wrist and forearm strength
• Multi-planar movement patterns
In the next article I will present a beginner workout with the sledgehammer.

For a massive article on sledgehammer training go to

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