Grip strength is the limiting factor for many people with heavy lifts - you can only pull what you can hold onto.  Grip strength is also an asset for any lift where you hold onto a bar or handle because the harder you can crush what's in your hand, the more tension you can create in the muscles further along in the chain - so improving your grip strength will improve your military press and chin up strength in addition to the lifts that it more obviously improves such as deadlifts.

One of the easiest ways to improve your grip strength is to make it more difficult to grip a heavy object.  Fat Gripz are one of the simplest and most effective tools for developing exceptional grip strength in this manner - as they name suggests they're fat (5.5cm fat), they make objects thicker so it's more difficult to grip, your grip has to work harder to hold on and the result is stronger grip.

Fat Gripz are made of a military grade, high density rubber compound that won't compress under so you will get the fatness benefits even under the heaviest of loads.  Fat Grips simply slide onto a barbell, chin up bar, most dumbbells (Fat Gripz are about 12.5cm long so any DB handle that's at least that long) and can even be used on things like  Power Bands, kettlebells, Power Rings, Farmer's Walk Handles, The Log and Power Ropes.

Fat Gripz do a great job of gripping themselves and are designed so that once they're on a bar there will be no give or slippage.  They're such a great tool that they have the endorsment of grip specialists and the best strength coaches out there, in fact the team at EliteFTS rated them the best grip tool for 2011 (check out what they have to say about Fat Gripz here).  And check out what Dan Hardy has to say about Fat Gripz and MMA in the video below.

For more information on Fat Gripz in Australia, click here.