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Luke Nelson

Luke Nelson
Melbourne, Australia
Chiropractor and Founder of Health & High Performance
Sports Science (Masters)
Sports Chiropractic (Diploma)
ASCA Level 1
About Luke Nelson After graduating from RMIT in 2003, Luke went into private practice, founding Chiropractic Solutions in Bentleigh East. After 15 years, it was time to move on to the next challenge, which saw him found Health & High Performance in Mont Albert North.His vision is to provide high quality healthcare to help keep active individuals and athletes doing what they love!Luke's special interest is treating sporting injuries (soft tissue injuries, ankle sprains, ACL injuries, shoulder pain) and in particular running injuries (knee pain, ITB,achilles pain, plantar heel pain). His unique approach takes a variety of different assessments and treatment techniques to get to the source of your problems and get you back on track.In 2016, Luke was awarded the Australian Chiropractic Association's "Sports Chiropractor of the year" for his contributions to the field of Sports Chiropractic.Luke has worked with a number of sporting teams and elite athletes from a variety of different sports including athletics, AFL, triathlon, golf, cricket, MMA and CrossFit.A keen fitness enthusiast himself, Luke has competed in a variety of different sports throughout his life, but his current number 1 love is running! Luke has completed 5 marathons, an ultra-marathon and 2 Iron Man triathlons.
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Luke Nelson
How to maintain strength whilst being injured
“I’ve injured my “insert body part” what can I do?” This is the question most people face when injured and let us firstly state the answer is NOT just rest! The benefits of beginning rehabilitation ASAP on the injured site are clear, but what if I told you that training your uninjured side can result in strength gains on your injured side? Enter the Cross-education effect Researchers from the University of Copenhagen studied the effects of disuse on muscle strength. This revealed in their younger subjects that two weeks inactivity resulted in a staggering 33% loss in leg strength, leaving ...
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Luke Nelson
The Importance of Sleep
Our understanding of the science of sleep mirrors our understanding of the human brain: we are only just scratching the surface in what we currently know. Yet we know enough to know “how we sleep” affects every aspect of our lives and performance on the sporting field. It took for me to have children (who didn’t sleep at night!!), to really appreciate the impact of poor quality sleep on cognitive function, immune ability and physical performance! This article will examine the impact that sleep deficit has on performance and injury, with a future article discussing how to improve sleep. Why do we sleep? It was once thought that the brain ...
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