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Melbourne, Australia
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science
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Unleashing Potential: Iron Edge & Athletes Authority Forge a Stronger Partnership for Athletes.
When Athletes Authority approached us last year to build a 'fantasy factory for athletes', we knew we were in for a treat. Regarded by many as the leaders in private-sector athlete development and strength and conditioning, they had a very specific brief: No stone could be left unturned; they needed to provide everything an athlete needed to perform at the top of their game;It needed to look exceptional;Every piece of equipment needed to be of the finest quality and highest standard;They needed an all-purpose, fully integrated flooring solution that integrated high-density, seamless rubber with commercial-grade, custom astroturf, which meant we had to ...
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CrossFit Ocean Grove
New Standard for CrossFit Boxes Iron Edge is excited to showcase its newest CrossFit Box fit-out that has helped create a functional and welcoming space for the Ocean Grove community. The CrossFit Ocean Grove fit-out has been designed to cater for a variety of different CrossFit classes. One of the standout features of the gym is the two 5-cell custom wall-mounted matrix racks located on either side of the gym. The versatility of the matrix configuration provides a range of options for high-intensity workouts and functional fitness training. The gym has also included wall mounted barbell racks and rack-mounted plate storage to ...
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It's scary but exciting to think this will likely be a product in the future. Of course, we will never let you leave empty-handed. See below for a gift from us! Our gift to you - Olympic Weightlifting Fundamentals E-Book Thanks for being a good sport. As a thank you, we would like to give you our Olympic Weightlifting Fundamentals E-Book for FREE! Download Now
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The Proof - New U Health Fit-out
New-U Health New-U Health studio is a small boutique personal training studio located in the heart of Melbourne.  New-U Health was founded by a group of personal trainers driven by their passion for creating healthy lifestyle changes for their clients. The head trainers, Andy, Cristian, and Triston, have years of expert knowledge in strength training.  We believe confidence drives success. Our goal is to empower people to feel comfortable in and out of the gym. We endeavour to help individuals optimise their daily lives and longevity."Christian Blanco (Co-founder) The Brief New-U Health approached Iron Edge with the need to create a comfortable and versatile space ...
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The Barbell Back Squat - High or Low bar?
The age-old question of which variation of the barbell back squat is best. The only answer is – it depends. It depends on several things. Whenever you are training or training someone – you need to consider what you are trying to achieve and why. Both high bar and low bar Squats have their place. Neither is necessarily better, but they do have some key differences between them. Positional Differences with the Barbell Back Squat Barbell Position The low bar back squat is where the barbell rests on the middle of the back, on the posterior deltoids. Whereas the high bar back squat ...
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The Conventional Deadlift - Time to Change it up?
The Conventional Deadlift has been a staple on the program card for an age, and it will continue to be. However, is it the best Deadlift option for you though? There are many factors that go into finding the right option for you. Your height, arm length, leg length, mobility and body awareness are just some of the factors that go into this decision. You could be an advanced lifter not seeing the progress you first saw when starting out on the deadlifts. You might just need some variety. If you are unfamiliar with the benefit of variety and other training fundamentals ...
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Arching your back while Bench Pressing: 3 Reasons To Start.
These days the internet gives everyone a platform to voice their opinions. Post a video of your bench press whilst arching your back and you are bound to get some comments like:“Arching is cheating.”“You’re going to hurt your back like that.” I am sure you will get stronger opinionated comments than those examples, but hey – why should you arch your back?First of all, I am not talking about an extreme powerlifting arch, but more so the arch that most people will be using – see photo 1.3. Here are 3 reasons why I think this is underused particularly with general population ...
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Micro Band Pros
From the freshest of personal trainers to coaches and physicians at the highest levels of sport, you will frequently hear the words “where do you feel it” as fitness professionals train their clients. Ensuring the correct muscles are being loaded and used to produce/resist force is essential to developing stronger athletes and maintaining their health. This is relevant all the way from rank beginners to advanced athletes. A rank beginner will need to focus on developing their mind-muscle connection, making movement patterns more stable and more consistent; whereas more advanced athletes will want to make sure that stronger muscles are not overshadowing others, thereby creating imbalances that can lead ...
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The Viking Press
Don’t re-invent the wheel. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. If this is the way the sporting community felt at large, it’s doubtful we would have trailblazers breaking the 4 minute mile, deadlifting 1,000 pounds or sprinting 100m in less than 10 seconds. Everywhere you look athletes are getting bigger, faster and stronger than the standards set previously. This is because, we as a whole look for better ways to do things. Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless; as Bruce Lee once said. The Viking Press is a tweak on the military press that offers two particular benefits. First is that ...
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Vertical Jump Training
A favourite training goal for athletes and strength coaches is an increased vertical jump; a reliable indicator of lower body power that is applicable to all kinds of sports. As far as training methodologies go, vertical jump training is sexy; it conjures images of “Vinsanity” era Vince Carter dunks, or Alex Jesaulenko “you beauty” speckies.   Plyometric exercises such as depth jumps from a Plyometric Box are commonly thought of as the go-to method for increasing one’s jump. However, research has shown the most effective method is by combining plyometrics with resistance training (Perez-Gomez & Calbet, 2013). The definition of power is force divided by ...
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The Torsonator –What is it good for?
Sometimes also referred as a landmine unit due to original versions resembling a landmine, the Torsonator allows for the Barbell to be rotated around a central point, as opposed to being lifted relatively straight up and down. The main differences in this loading pattern are the changing resistance throughout the movement and the increased rotational component. Changing Resistance Archmides once said “give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world”. The Torsonator gives rise to a different strength profile than a standard barbell lift, as the distance between the load (plates) ...
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Manipulating Strength Curves and Accommodating Resistance
What is a strength curve? A strength curve is the difficulty of an exercise throughout the range of motion; an ascending strength curve refers to an exercise which gets harder as you extend, whereas a descending strength curve becomes easier as you reach flexion. For example, a bench press or squat is hardest at the bottom, no-one ever gets stapled at the top. This is a descending strength curve. Accommodating resistance refers to resistance which changes throughout the exercise. Using free weights, the weight stays constant, even if the difficulty changes. Adding Power Bands to a movement increases the resistance the further the trainee moves ...
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Steady State Cardio VS HIIT
It’s a well-worn argument. Steady state cardio v HIIT. Your stance on the topic no doubt hinges on what you are trying to accomplish – standing on a stage at 4% body fat, brushing off tackles late in a game, rehabilitating clients and so forth. Personal preference comes into it too; some people prefer zoning out on a bike or treadmill for an hour or more whereas others prefer to sweat it out and feel the rush of endorphins that can only come with a brutal session. Anyone will acknowledge both modalities have their places. But when it comes to maximising performance and training efficiency, generally HIIT wins ...
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The Perfect Training Tool You Didn't Know About
Resistance training for sport is about becoming bigger, faster, stronger, more durable and better conditioned to play their chosen sport. If an exercise in your training regime doesn’t achieve at least one of these outcomes it has no place. On the flip side, wouldn’t it be great if there was an exercise or method of lifting that achieved all of these outcomes? Assuming you’ve read the title, you know where this is going. Enter Sled Training. About the Hurt Terminal Sled training can be traced back to European loggers dragging heavy trees behind them, incidentally developing their legs and backs, but began ...
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Lifting for Shoulder Health
The most commonly injured joint in the gym is the shoulder. When people think of a ball and socket joint, the first visual teaching aid used in classrooms around the world is a fist fitting into the opposite hand. Thing is, with the shoulder this is more like a golf ball in a tee. It’s incredibly mobile but this comes at the expense of stability. This is why shoulder dislocations are a relatively common injury, especially when compared to a hip dislocation. There are three main factors for the prevention of injury to any joint: mobility, stability, and strength. Most athletes make the mistake of focusing ...
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Olympic Lifting for Athletes
Thanks to Crossfit and hype behind functional fitness training, the snatch and the clean and jerk are becoming used in athletic and commercial settings more than ever before, rather than being confined to weightlifting gyms. They are renowned for increasing power, but like anything in the internet age, can be controversial due to their specificity for athletes, steep learning curve and mobility requirements. What does the Research Say? Helland et. al (2017) researched the effects of 3 x types of training on muscular power: Olympic weightlifting, “motorized strength and power training” (machine-based strength training with high loads and low speed) and free weight strength and ...
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Massage Guns
Massage has long been used as a performance enhancing tool, by decreasing soreness and improving recovery. An issue for the recipient with effective massage therapy is it requires a trained therapist (or at least a willing partner) and can be costly when used repeatedly over an extended period. For the practitioner, deep tissue massage in particular can be physically demanding when performed for extended periods, particularly for multiple clients. As a result, self-myofascial release tools like Foam Rollers have become popular. Vibration platforms such as Powerplates have also become accepted tools into elite sporting facilities, clinics and cashed up commercial ...
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Training and Lower Back Health
The second most commonly injured joint in the gym next to the shoulder is the lower back. The World Health Organisation has stated that “the lifetime prevalence of non-specific (common) low back pain is estimated at 60% to 70% in industrialized countries” as of 1997 (Taimela, Kujala, Salminen & Viljanen, 1997); meaning you are more likely than not to experience lower back issues at some point in your life. If you read our post on shoulder injury prevention / treatment, you will remember that there are three main factors for preventing injuries to joints: stability, mobility and strength. Whilst the shoulder is an incredibly mobile ...
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Loaded Stretching
Less injuries, improved relevant mobility and more muscle. Sounding good? Muscles and joints are frequently hurt when they are asked to exceed their range of motion; resulting in tears, strains, dislocations etc. Static stretching can improve flexibility, but depending on the activity, rarely in sport are you asked to hold a muscle in a stretched position for an extended period. Think of how the hamstrings are stretched when kicking a football, the shoulders position during a throw or the hips when squatting; it’s a dynamic movement. While most associate increased strength with improved force output, one of the main reasons resistance training improves an athlete’s durability is due to ...
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Loaded Carries
Moving a tonne of iron versus moving a tonne of people are two different tasks. It’s why as sport science has progressed, training has increasingly more sport specific; and tools such as Aqua Bags and Kettlebells have become more popular. In the 80’s and 90’s, the concept of training with instability arguably went too far, leading to the proliferation of physio balls everywhere at the expense of lifting fast and / or heavy (fine in a rehab setting, athletes not so much). Loaded carries are an excellent cover-all-bases movement, most notably used for improving conditioning, strength/endurance, core and grip strength. ...
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The Glute-Ham Raise
Training the glutes is held in high regard by physios, strength coaches and the Instagram crowd alike for its role in injury prevention, sporting performance and cosmetic reasons. Hip thrusts, squats and glute-ham raises are big movements commonly performed in order to progressively strengthen the glutes. One problem – the glute ham raise does not target the glutes. I know, right now you’re thinking “but…it’s a glute ham raise?” But this isn’t the only misnomer of an exercise. Hyperextensions should not place the spine into hyperextension, back extensions frequently target the hamstrings and glutes more than the spinal erectors depending on the position of the body/pad, ...
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Training for Combat Athletes
First of all, the key to being a successful athlete in any given sport is practicing the skills required. Connor McGregor is an all-time great fighter. Floyd Mayweather Jr is an all-time great boxer. Even after coming out of retirement at the age of 40 years old compared to a 29 year old at or near his physical peak, Mayweather is a superior boxer. So skill work should the number one priority when training. That being said, there is no such thing as being too strong. More strength means more force means more damage to an opponent. Many athletes across all sports equate getting stronger to getting bigger, ...
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Elevating the Heels when Squatting –Yay or Nay?
The idea behind elevating the heels when squatting (by either placing a plate under the heels or wearing specifically designed weightlifting shoes such as Nike Romaleo’s) is to place the ankle into plantar flexion whilst in a stable position; allowing the knees to travel further forward when squatting down. From there, the hips do not need to sit back as much, and a more upright torso position can be maintained. This is ideal for the front squat and Olympic weightlifting; debatable but generally not used for a powerlifting squat; and contested when it comes to athletic training. Why Would/Wouldn’t I Want ...
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Core Training
As an Iron Edge customer, you are no doubt all over that traditional sit-ups are completely outdated and should be left behind in the 80s like spandex. Nowadays, core training is a bit of a buzzword in fitness but when utilised properly it has undeniable benefits for performance and injury prevention. The truck has 4 main movements: flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation. When training the core, we also have anti-movements (anti-flexion, etc) where core stability is being developed. This is a frequently abused term; it applies to resisting unwanted force, and in an athletic setting has as much, if not more, to do with strength than balance. As ...
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Using Bands for Strength
Why Would I Use Bands For Developing Strength? Exercises are rarely equally difficult throughout its full range of motion. The varying degree of difficulty throughout the movement of an exercise is known as a strength curve, or strength profile. A strength curve may be ascending, descending, or a bell curve. Exercises with an ascending strength curve become easier at the end of the movement; think squats and bench pressing. No-one gets stapled at the top of a squat. Lazy or uneducated lifters love to perform partial reps halfway down to move more weight. To the contrary, exercises with a descending curve become harder throughout the movement. Think lateral raises. ...
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Using Bands for Mobility
Why Would I Use Bands For Developing Mobility? There are multiple types of stretching, the most common being static, dynamic and PNF. For hamstrings; static stretching is your standard “reach down and touch your toes”, dynamic stretching would be leg swings and PNF stretching would involve stretching the muscle, contracting the hamstring and releasing in order to allow for more stretch. Some stretches require a tool, wall or partner, whereas others require no equipment. Power Bands are particularly effective for PNF stretching, and as a substitute for a partner, because they can make it easier to hold certain positions, and will ...
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Using Bands for Activation
Why Would I Need to Activate Muscles? Activating muscles is similar to practicing before the real event, it allows you to scale down a task as needed to ensure perfect practice becomes perfect. Mind-muscle connection is frequently mentioned in bodybuilding circles, as bodybuilders seek to create as much tension on the desired muscle as possible. For athletes, developing this mind-muscle connection is essential for improving performance and health. Trainees will rely on comfortable movement patterns when performing exercises which are not necessarily ideal, whether it be due to poor technique, lack of body awareness, compensating for injury etc. For example, a sprinter who uses their quadriceps to generate power at ...
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Using Resistance Bands for Mobility and Injury Prevention
Our Micro Bands may be the first thing to come to mind when thinking rehab / prehab products, but our 41” Power Bands are so versatile they can be used for strengthening major motor patterns as well as a warm up or prehab session. Below I’ve detailed a quick go-to guide for how to use the bands for conditioning the body against injury. You can use one or all of these exercises, depending on which of your joints are more susceptible to injury and how thoroughly you warm up. Shoulders Shoulder Circles Sometimes referred to as shoulder dislocations (a name I vehemently disagree with, no-one should ...
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Balls to the Wall - Training with Mixed Implements
Training as an athlete is all about improving performance. An essential component of this is tailoring training to be as sport specific as possible. Training with medicine balls, dead balls and wall balls is an excellent method for improving sport-related movements in a fashion more specific than dumbbell or barbell work. Why the Different Types Medicine balls are the original weighted ball, which will bounce to an extent and have some give when hit / squeezed (the name comes from Socrates prescribing weight balls to be used as exercise for medicinal purposes in case you were wondering). These are suitable for general use; they ...
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Train with Collingwood FC
Iron Edge Training Partners Collingwood FC have put together a couple of short videos….   Upper Body Sled Rope Pull Sit on the ground with both hands placed firmly around the rope Reach forward and pull rope towards body, propelling the sled Continue pulling the rope until sled touches feet   Box Jump Start with feet square in stationary position After reaching the bottom of the squat, extend whole body quickly and tuck knees into chest Land softly on top of the box   Box Squat Place hands at an even width on the bar Slide bar down back so it sits on your upper trapezius ...
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Lower Pricing Across The Board
At Iron Edge we’re forever improving and refining our products. Innovation, premium quality & service is core to our business and we pride ourselves on doing things properly. Through combined efforts in negotiating with suppliers and improving our processes, we’ve been able to secure better pricing storewide*. Our new pricing structure (up to 10% discount in some cases) has just gone live & applies to both retail and TradePass customers. Enjoy! *Exemptions to certain products apply. Visit
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FC11 & Iron Edge
FC11's Operation & High Performance Manager Michael Chiovitti talks about Iron Edge and FC11's relationship. "When looking for equipment to fit out all our facilities throughout Australia, we had to look no further than Iron Edge. The quality of their products are second to none and more importantly they were able to supply products that would meet the specific needs of our high performance programs. The best part about Iron Edge is that most of their staff are from sport science backgrounds. They have the ability to come in from the initial meeting, plan and prepare a facility specific to our ...
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Iron Edge & Geelong FC
The strength and conditioning coaches at Geelong FC wanted a total gym refurbishment. Previously, the gym had limited open floor space and limited barbell stations, meaning that the amount of athletes in the gym at once, and the programming of these athletes, was less than ideal. Further, the existing flooring was not suitable. Iron Edge consulted with Chris Dennis, the Geelong FC Strength Coach, to ultimately provide a solution that would involve multiple work stations and free up floor space. The entire gym layout was worked through together, with the decision made to install 2 x Triple Cell Matrix units. These ...
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Former Hawks Sewell and Osborne open Football College
Iron Edge have been working closely with the team at Australian Rules Football College (ARFC) over recent months as they prepare to launch their program in early 2016. Athletic development plays a major role in the ARFC model, with students spending a lot of time learning correct technique and training methods in the gym environment. The ARFC HQ in North Melbourne was recently fitted out by the Iron Edge, the layout allows for the training of large groups of student athletes at one time, with plenty of open space for running, agility and plyometric drills. Watch the video to check ...
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Olympic Lifting Warm Up
In this video, Iron Edge trainer Shane Yost takes you through a series of body weight warm up variations perfect for Olympic Lifting.  
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A Better Warm-Up
Iron Edge trainer Shane Yost takes you through a power band warm-up sequence that will facilitate and activate far greater than simply jumping on a treadmill or stationary bike. Shop Power Bands
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How does the stabilising function change in different training exercises and contexts?
By Mark McGrath - B Ed, Grad Diploma in Exercise and Sport Science Dynamic neuromuscular (true core) stability is necessary for optimal athletic performance and is not achieved purely by adequate strength of abdominals, spinal extensors, gluteals or any other musculature; rather, core stabilisation is accomplished through precise coordination of these muscles and intra-abdominal pressure regulation by the central nervous system. In the event where stability, mobility and/or balance of these muscle groups becomes compromised, the ability to transfer force efficiently through the trunk to the extremities is often adversely affected and compensatory patterns develop. Hence, true core stabilisation needs to be ...
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Gym Culture: An Owners Responsibility
By Markos Markopoulos - PTC Frankston I have worked in, as well as owned gyms since 1979; in 35 years, I have seen and experienced a lot. when I didn’t like how things were done, I simply left. At the first gym I worked at, I was chastised by the owner for doing medicine ball sit ups with a member who was in there alone. I left. At my next gym, I was told to keep the squat stands locked up in a small room and I had to supervise anyone that used them, then put them away when they finished. ...
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Effectiveness of Dead Ball Training
By Derek Boyer – Undefeated winner for 15 years at Australia’s Strongest Man competition I'd like to introduce to you the underground revolution that is fast-becoming the big ticket training tool to elite performance. In my opinion, the sheer effectiveness of Dead Ball training will surpass all other training systems. the reason why I personally endorse, exhibit, lecture and present to audiences like Richmond FC and Melbourne Rebels is because they are examples of elite athletes that get it. I personally use Dead Balls in my own training to get stronger! My personal record is to shoulder an 85kg Dead Ball for ...
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Does My Blood Sugar Make Me Look Old?
I'm not joking. In fact, a recent study investigated the association between perceived age and glucose metabolism. Photographs of 602 individuals (569 non-diabetic, 33 diabetic) were taken. They were shown to 60 random people who were asked to estimate the age of the person in the photograph. What did they find? On average, diabetic persons were estimated to be almost 2 years older than they actually were. Among non-diabetic persons, those with higher blood sugar were perceived to be seven months older than their true age. After crunching the numbers researchers concluded that with every 1 mmol/L increase in glucose estimated age increased by ...
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Rocktape is a kinesiology tape that is engineered to mimic the behaviour of human skin: it stretches up to 180% of its original length and is highly elastic so has excellent 'snap back'. The fact that it acts like skin is the key to its ability to not only provide extra support for soft tissue and joints, aid in sports performance, speed recovery, but also to improve healing in the case of injury. If Rocktape applied so that there is a lot of stretch on the skin but little on the tape, the result is wrinkling of the skin that actually ...
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Rehband Support Gear
In the words of Oceania Powerlifting Champion, Stephen Pritchard: "If you train regularly you will no doubt start experiencing joint, tendon, ligament or muscle pain. Pain is part of the game.  But pain will also influence what you bring to your training session.  For this reason I have been using Rehband knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, shorts and back support for my training sessions." For those who are serious about their training and don't want discomfort to reduce what they can achieve in a session, want to prevent a niggle becoming an injury or who are coming back from injury, Rehband provides ...
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Front Squat Zercher Harness
There's no two ways about it: front squats are awesome and should be included in the training of any serious athlete.  The guys at EliteFTS list just some of the many advantages of the front squat: Front squats are more quad dominant, bodybuilders like this that are paranoid about getting their butts too big. Front squats are easier on your back because your torso is more erect and obviously less weight is being handled. If you go forward on a front squat you lose the weight, so it ‘s impossible to lean forward too excessively. Front squats are also a good tool to teach someone ...
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Back Off My Coffee!
The headline read: "Coffee found to cause insulin resistance". There doesn’t seem to be as much controversy in any other area of life as there is in the health and nutrition realm. True to form, a recent study leaves folks scratching their heads about coffee. This ever-popular beverage once vilified for raising blood pressure has had some very positive press in recent years. In fact, the benefits of drinking coffee range from decreasing risk of type-2 diabetes and depression to improving glucose metabolism and enhancing fat loss. So what is all the kerfuffle about? A recent study published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ...
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Iron Edge Knee & Wrist Wraps
Knee and wrist wraps are simply lengths of material that are wrapped around the joint to provide extra support and minimise stress on the joint when it is under load.  Knee wraps may also help with stopping at the bottom of the squat and offer rebound on the ascent.  Simple, yes, but like chalk and weightlifting belts wraps are an inexpensive and highly effective way to get the most out of your training. Here at Iron Edge we have looked closely at the needs of lifters and have come up with a range of knee and wrist wraps that cover all ...
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Iron Edge Foam Plyometric Boxes
Plyometric training is of course central to the performance of any athlete requiring speed and power, and studies have shown plyometrics lead to improvements in vertical jump performance, muscle strength and joint protection. There are inherent risks to plyometrics, though, especially when it comes to jumping on, off or over objects such as plyo boxes - you don't want the protective benefits of such training to be negated by one jump gone wrong having the exact opposite effect.   And the bigger you are, the harder you fall as champion powerlifter Brandon Lilly demonstrates! Want to do box jumps without the risk ...
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Iron Edge Fat Bar
Grip strength is a very important component of overall strength: you can only lift what you can hold onto and greater recruitment of the muscles in the hands means greater muscle recruitment throughout the rest of the body.   For these reasons, fat barbells are a staple of strongman training and are enjoying a resurgence in a wide range of athletic disciplines. One of the great benefits of the fat bar is that allows you to train grip during barbell lifts that will benefit from increased grip strength, rather than training grip in isolation.  Moving weight with a fat bar will ...
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Dynamax Balls
Dynamax Balls are the medicine ball of choice of the NBA, NFL and CrossFitters worldwide for two main reasons: they're ultra tough and they're safe.  Heavy enough for medicine ball training, but soft enough to not injure athletes' hands when thrown or caught at maximum velocity.  "Think of a medicine ball as an implement that combines the qualities of a ball and the qualities of an impact absorbing mitt into one unit." - Dynamax official website. There are several features that make these balls, the brainchild of coaches Jim Crawley and Bruce Evans, the best on the market:  14 inch diameter - ...
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The effects of weightlifting shoes on squat kinematics
This article has been extracted from the original by Dave Fortenbaugh (of the American Sports Medicine Institute, Birmingham, AL USA), Kimitake Sato and J. Kyle Hitt (both of the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO USA). Athletes may not always consider footwear when performing the barbell back squat during training. Several footwear companies have designed shoes claimed to enhance performance in weightlifting and powerlifting. The purpose of this study was to compare the kinematics of the barbell back squat wearing either running shoes (RS) or weightlifting shoes (WLS). Young, healthy active adult males (N=20) were filmed in the sagittal plane while ...
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New 4kg and 6kg Pro Grade Kettlebells
You cannot get a better quality kettlebell in Australia than the Iron Edge Pro Grade bell.  The Pro Grade bell is the most ergonomic, by far the best design for ballistic lifts and has that wonderful raw steel handle that is perfect for chalking.  The Pro Grade bell is definitely the preferred choice of the true girevik. And now Iron Edge Pro Grade range is even better with the addition of 4kg and 6kg bells.  With weights from 4kg to 48kg, and weight increases in 2kg increments from 4-24kg, the Pro Grade range caters for every level of strength and experience, ...
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Inov-8 Crossfit Shoes
Switching rapidly from one training modality to the next can have great benefits when building all-round fitness, but it does pose problems when it comes to footwear.  Running shoes are no good for barbell work, and most people wouldn't even attempt to run in their expensive weightlifting shoes – not really conducive to good running technique and will quickly ruin the precious shoes.  And if you want to climb a rope neither shoe is going to be much help. If you don’t want to perform exercises in inappropriate footwear and don’t want to have to change shoes between exercises either – a waste ...
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Iron Edge Swiss Bar
The Swiss Bar allows for 4 different neutral hand positions (via 8 handles) for variation in many different barbell or log lifts including: Bench Press Board Press Incline Press Military Press Push Press Jerk Deadlift Clean Front Squat Overhead Squat Bent Over Rows Hammer Curls Triceps Extensions JM Presses Front Raises Adding variation in grip position to the above lifts can be a powerful way to stimulate strength gains or bust through plateaus. Jim Wendler recommends the Swiss bar for its focus on the triceps and its gentleness on the shoulders while performing pressing movements, as well as its ability to be ...
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Iron Cage: Ultimate Incarnation of the Squat Cage
The Iron Cage is the athletes' weight room reconfigured for maximal function in minimal space.  The Cage is highly customisable and mutable to ensure it specifically meets the needs of each athlete using it. Four uprights form the basic rectangular structure of the Cage, while a further two adjustable uprights allow you to create either two half-racks with storage in the middle or a full rack with storage at the rear. All uprights have indexed holes spaced 23mm apart that can be fitted with a range of attachments including: Pegs for weight plate, Power Band, chain, sling brackets, Power Ring, TRX etc. storage and ...
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Bulgarian Bags
The Bulgarian Bag is certainly one of the oddest of odd implements given its inventor, renowned Bulgarian wrestler and S&C coach Ivan Ivanov, designed it to mimic a sheep slung over the shoulders. And why would you want a sheep-like object slung over your shoulders?  Holding livestock over the shoulders is a tradition in Bulgarian folk-style wrestling festivals and it's well known by the Bulgarians that working with that animal weight wrapped around your shoulders will make you as strong as an ox. Ivanov also wanted a piece of equipment that was pliable, lacking in pointy bits or sharp edges and could be ...
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New and Improved Power Bags Range
The humble sandbag is up there with the most awkward objects to lift; it's unpredictable and unweildy with built-in instability and that's what makes it both a challenging and highly effective strength training tool. In everyday life and many sports you have to deal with awkward objects. Sandbag training helps develop power, strength and endurance with a constantly shifting weight, which translates well to any activity where you're dealing with unstable loads, such as moving house or grappling.  The sandbag is particularly good for supplementing any training for contact sports because the more you move the more it fights back, very ...
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Torsonator Unearthed
The Torsonator Unearthed is the latest addition to Iron Edge's Torsonator range - it is the cheapest, lightest and most portable of the Torsonator family. By stripping away anything unecessary and reducing the Torsonator to its very essence (basically the barbell sleeve and pivot that allows the unique rotational movement), Iron Edge came up with a mere 6.7kg free-standing version that can be anchored to the floor with an Olympic sized weight plate.  Ideally, a 20kg or 25kg plate should be used to anchor it for heavy or explosive work, but you can get away with something as light as 10kg ...
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Iron Edge Dip Belt
A dip belt is one of the easiest ways to go beyond the limitations of bodyweight training by adding weight to dips, chin ups  and muscle ups. Anyone who has tried holding a dumbbell between their ankles doing these exercises knows how annoying it can be, especially when trying to hold a decent amount of weight.  And having a person hanging from you is all well and good but what if you want to train alone or can't find the right sized person? A good dip belt is comfortable, easy to attach a weight to and capable of holding enough weight to ...
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Extra Heavy Dead Balls
Iron Edge has expanded its range of Dead Balls, adding 20, 25, and 35kg balls. If you haven't yet been introduced to the Dead Ball, it's basically a rubber ball filled with iron sand.  The flexibility of the rubber outer combined with the iron sand means that the Dead Ball is readily deformed and doesn’t bounce easily – it’s like a cross between a medicine ball and a sandbag. The dead weight makes them perfect for exercises such as slams (great for speed and power development), shouldering, loading up movements such as squats in a different way and making pretty much anything ...
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Fat Gripz
Grip strength is the limiting factor for many people with heavy lifts - you can only pull what you can hold onto.  Grip strength is also an asset for any lift where you hold onto a bar or handle because the harder you can crush what's in your hand, the more tension you can create in the muscles further along in the chain - so improving your grip strength will improve your military press and chin up strength in addition to the lifts that it more obviously improves such as deadlifts. One of the easiest ways to improve your grip strength ...
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Farmer's Walk Handles
The farmer's walk is a staple in any self-respecting strongman's training and, as the name suggests, mimics the most basic of manual labour - if you've ever shaken the hand of an old farmer who has done a lifetime of this sort of activity you'll understand the true meaning of the phrase "real world strength". Farmer's walks are an exercise that will work your grip, shoulders, back, glutes and legs (plus your lungs if you walk a decent distance) and are low on the technical scale; they're beautiful in their simplicity and brutality.  For a few tips on how easy it ...
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Precision Fractional Plates Pack
Fractional weight plates for Olympic bars (1kg or less) are, somewhat ironically, a great asset for heavy lifting as they allow progressive overload to continue at the point where a plateau usually sets in and larger weight increases aren't a viable option - those times when you're walking the fine line between overload and failure where adding an extra 5kg is the difference between the bar leaving the floor and being stuck there, but an extra 0.5kg can be done. So, fractional plates are yet another tool you can add to your box to fight plateaus, along with things like bands, chains ...
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Do-Win Lifting Straps
Lifting straps allow you to work beyond your grip strength or endurance limitations in movements where you're holding a bar, such as deadlifts and chin ups.  So you can use lifting straps to take grip out of the equation to a certain extent to work other parts of your body harder, or as an aide to keep progressing in lifts while you work grip separately to get it up to the desired level. Lifting straps can be especially helpful for very high rep work, super heavy partials and actually reduces CNS fatigue in hang variants of O-lifts. Lifting straps basically work by wrapping ...
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Wall-Mounted Chin-Up Bar
A chin-up bar obviously allows you to do some of the most functional upper body exercises possible: chin-ups and pull-ups. There are countless varieties of both chin-ups and pull-ups - different grips, hand positions, leg positions, body angles, levels of explosiveness etc.  You can build phenomenal upper back, shoulder and grip strength and power with nothing  more than a simple bar and your own bodyweight. A chin-up bar, however, isn't limited to use for chin-ups and pull-ups.  A chin-up bar is a gateway to endless strength and mobility training that is limited only by your imagination and motivation. Here is just a short ...
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The Log
The Log has long been used by strongmen and has had competitive strongman events dedicated to it since the early 80's.  If the strongest men in the world use it, you know there's a fair chance it's going to be good for strength training. The Log that Iron Edge has made is a state-of-the-art steel beast (no need to worry about wood fluctuating in weight with changes in humidity, and no splinters).  In fact, Iron Edge's Log is made from over 40 kilos of steel, and if that's not enough for you, it has Olympic diameter pins on either end to add ...
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Iron Edge Barbell Jack
The Iron Edge Barbell Jack takes the hassle out of changing weight plates on a barbell sitting on the floor or platform. Everyone who has fiddled around changing the weight of a barbell for deadlifts or Olympic lifts knows just how much of a pain in the butt it can be, especially when you're after quick changes between lifters or during sets. The Iron Edge Barbell Jack (aka Jack) solves this problem by propping the end of the barbell up so weight plates can be loaded or unloaded with ease by one person.  Drop sets, warm-up sets, super-sets are all much quicker ...
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Trigger Wheel
The Trigger Wheel is a hand-held, self-massage tool that allows you to target small areas very precisely. Because the Trigger Wheel is designed for work on small areas, it is the perfect complement to any myofascial release tool that works on larger areas such as The Stick, foam rollers or Rumble Rollers.  If The Stick is a toothbrush for your muscles, then the Trigger Wheel is surely the dental floss. The Trigger Wheel is a 5cm diameter nylon and steel wheel fixed to a 13cm handle.  The treating surface of the wheel is 6mm wide, making it small enough  to allow you to effectively administer ...
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Posture Curve
The Posture Curve is a new addition to Iron Edge's steadily growing rehab/prehab range.  Anyone who trains seriously knows the importance of recovery.  Myofascial release and joint mobility work should be an integral part of anyone's recovery regime (even if you're too lazy to train, spending some time on these things will benefit you immensely). So what is the Posture Curve for? Well, as the name suggests it's designed to help loosen up a stiff spine and improve posture.  More specifically, it provides traction for the lumbar vertebrae, targeting one vertebra at a time for maximum impact.  The Posture Curve also has two ...
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Iron Edge Crash Mat
The Iron Edge Crash Mat is for you if: You want to climb ropes Do any sort of gymnastics Want to try some parlour moves safely before testing them on concrete Are thinking of having a crack at some serious trampolining Would like to get into circus tricks Are an aspiring stunt person Just want a soft place to land for training shenanigans Any good crash mat needs to be able to absorb the shock of a decent impact, so high density padding is an essential.  The thicker the padding, the more shock absorption, so depending on your needs Iron Edge can custom-build your crash mat between 400-600mm thick. The length and ...
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Iron Edge Stall Bars
Stall bars  (also known as stahl bars) are another one of those pieces of equipment that went out of fashion, but with the realisation that they were actually very useful, are making a comeback. Stall bars are basically a set of horizontal bars fitted relatively close to one another between two vertical bars like a ladder, with the whole unit mounted to a wall.  They're best known for their use in gymnastics facilities, where their purpose is to support a wide  range of strength and flexibility work. The all-round nature of CrossFit has seen stall bars largely making their comeback on that scene ...
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Iron Edge Neck Harness
The Iron Edge Neck Harness will help you build a crazy strong neck that can withstand the punishment of any martial arts training or simply avoids those nasty tension headaches brought about by weak, tight neck muscles. Specific neck strengthening is often overlooked, but can be a very important area because it is quite a vulnerable area of the body and an injured neck will usually result in a very limited ability to perform any upper body resistance training. Neck training is particularly important for fighters, whose necks need to resist being pulled, pushed, twisted or the impact from blows to the head. ...
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Iron Edge Trap Bar
Good quality trap bars have been hard to come by in Australia up until now...  The team at Iron Edge has put their heart and soul into developing a high quality trap bar that is both comfortable to use and built to last. The Iron Edge Trap Bar has a spring steel shaft, which can withstand significant bending and still return to its original position - this means the ability to lift very heavy loads without any permanent deformation of the shaft. The shaft and handles are 28mm in diameter, so are the same thickness as any standard Olympic barbell.  This means there ...
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Iron Edge Wall Balls - New and Improved
Iron Edge's Wall Balls are a type of medicine ball that, rather than being hard and compact, are large and soft. Wall Balls are ideal for many medicine ball drills with the added bonus of being soft, which means they won't hurt you or other surfaces as much when they hit and they bounce well. They are also ideal for power development because they start at a light 8lb.  Power requires speed and you can only develop good speed by beginning with very light loads. Iron Edge has the 8lb as well as 12lb, 14lb and 20lb Wall Balls in the range, allowing ...
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Chalk Bowl
Why get a Chalk Bowl?  Two main reasons: to make chalking up more comfortable and stop your precious chalk getting wasted!  A chalk bowl is also handy for keeping chalky messes out of your training space. Weightlifting chalk is great for so many things.  It can improve training outcomes in all of the following by keeping your hands dry, preventing blisters and allowing you to grip stronger or longer: Kettlebell training Olympic weightlifting Power lifting Gymnastics CrossFit Rope climbing And much more - anything training that requires you to grip will benefit from a bit of chalk The Iron Edge chalk bowl ...
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Iron Edge Ab Mat
The Ab Mat is a curved mat that sits under your lower back during sit-ups to allow you to strengthen your abdominals through a greater range of motion.  The Ab Mat also provides support for your lower back during sit ups, helping to prevent the lower back pain often associated with this movement. The Ab Mat is a staple for Crossfitters and will definitely come in handy the next time you try an Annie, Barbara or Angie! The Ab Mat isn't just limited to use for sit-ups, though.  You can use it in an number of different ways to get better range or ...
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Gymboss Max Interval Timer and Stopwatch
The Gymboss Max is the ultimate interval timer: with the option to program in up to 25 different intervals and have interval groups repeat up to 99 times it's definitely a cut above the old kitchen timer! The Gymboss Max has plenty of other features that make it convenient, easy to use and the perfect device for any interval training session: You can save up to 15 different programs (saves time setting up complex interval programs) Easy to use scrolling menu LCD backlit screen for training in low light or at night Many different alarm options with beeps, vibrations and duration ...
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Power Ropes with Nylon Casing
The latest addition to the Iron Edge Power Ropes range is the nylon covered 15m ropes. Why a nylon covering? The nylon covering protects the sisal rope beneath, so it will last longer particularly if the rope is being exposed to the elements with outdoor training The nylon covering prevents the sisal from shedding, great if you want to keep your training space clean The nylon covering adds a bit of weight to the power ropes, making your rope training even more challenging You can get either the 1.5in diameter or the 2 inch diameter Power Ropes with the nylon casing Power ...
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Rumble Roller
The traditional foam roller is intended for myofascial release. However, due to its flat surface, it can actually further compress muscle tissue and increase tightness, rather than alleviate it. The Rumble Roller is studded with stiff protrusions which act like a masseur'sfingers, reaching into muscle tissue and releasing trigger points. While the bumps are stiffer than foam they are softer than bone, so they deflect out of the way if they come into contact with the spine, hip, or other parts of the skeleton. The Rumble Roller boasts another quality which puts it further beyond its traditional counterpart. By moving side to ...
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Twenty Kilogram Power Vests
The 20kg Power Vest has always been a difficult proposition. If you have used a weighted vest in your training before, you’ll be aware that the benefit of the extra weight during exercise is proportionally offset by the amount off irritation generated. Weighted vests, particularly heavy ones, have a propensity to sag and slop, which means that the load is doing all kinds of things while you're working, such as interfering with movement and balance, and not in a good way at all. We had so much difficulty finding the right design, we decided to halt manufacture until we did. We are proud ...
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Rubber Flooring
The increasing popularity of Olympic lifting has seen it explode through gyms across the country, helped along by the ever-growing Crossfit craze. The only drawbacks seem to be the safety issues and the cost. The biggest problem related to both is dropping weights; it trashes both bars and plates, and sometimes, the unfortunate gym rat that gets in the way. IronEdge has come up with a product which reduces both dangers considerably, making Olympic lifting more accessible to the average gym-goer: 50mm dual density rubber flooring. Rather than having to spend a fortune on building a lifting platform, you can simply purchase IronEdge’s ...
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Wrestler's Bags
In our search for the innovative and exciting, we often find that the more effective a piece of equipment is, the more peculiar its  origins. The Wrestler’s Bag may be one of our best products yet, and comes with a story of almost singular awesomeness. “Bulgarian shepherds were often forced to carry lambs and weak sheep around their shoulders when they were wandering with their herds, and often performed acts of strength with sheep and goats on street fairs. The design of the Bugarian bag is based on the body of an ovine and its use is considered a modern interpretation of ...
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23kg Dead Ball
The 23kg is the newest, and heaviest, addition to the Iron Edge Dead Ball range. 23kg of dead weight will certainly give you a challenge for many exercises.  Just holding onto the 23kg Dead Ball while you walk, lunge or squat can be enough of a challenge (especially if you are holding it overhead) and for slams it is very challenging - great for strong people who really want to build explosive throwing power. If you're brave, you can give the Dead Ball Bastards a shot with the 23kgs: Or if you're extra keen take up the 100 days slam challenge with the ...
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Using periodisation in your training program
Periodisation, by definition is the attempt to categorise, or divide time into named blocks. In my opinion, it is the most important – and most difficult - to implement component of any athletic conditioning program, especially Mixed Martial Arts. You simply cannot spend all your time within one type of conditioning goal phase without neglecting other elements, getting burnt out or even worse; injured. For example, spending all your time developing power will force your cardio capabilities to suffer - but not spending enough time focussed on a specific goal will not allow it to be developed to its maximum ...
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Future Australian Gymnastic Champion
We met young Jarrod at the Australian Fitness Expo last week. He certainly has some talent and a big future. Check out the video:
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Iron Edge Warehouse Sale (early 2011)
Here's just a sample of what's on offer at our warehouse sale.
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Power Ropes and Box jumps
People are always looking to improve their conditioning. Battling ropes and box jumps are great conditioning exercises. They combine really well because one is focused on the lower body and the other the upper body. Combining upper and lower body exercise allows you to accumulate metabolic biproducts in one area then allowing that area to recover when performing the other exercise. During battling ropes your forearms are likely to be the limiting factor and during the box jumps it will be your legs. By going back and forth between these exercises you will really work your heart and lungs because they will ...
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Training with the Aqua Bag & Slosh Ball
Aquabags and slosh balls work in a simular way, the sloshing water is the resistance and creates a destabilising force. The more you fill it, the heavier and more stable it is, but if you fill it to around half capacity the destabilising force will be at it strongest. Slosh balls come in small, medium and large. The small slosh balls can be used like medicine balls and the large ones are more like sandbags or mini atlas stone and the middle one can go either way. There spherical shape will enable you to perform a wide range of exercise that ...
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Group Training with the Power Station
The power station  is an awesome training partner, but it can also be used to train groups. You can train 8 people in a circuit style. Alternatively when strength training 3-4 people performing one exercise works well.   The power station is perfect for personal training studios because its compact.   You can attach 6 torsonator sleeves and perform step ups and chins at the same time. Or 4 torsonator sleeves, 2 agility bands and 2 dips stations. The combinations are endless. Below are some circuit ideas. For these circuits you can go for time or reps. If these exercises are easy for you go for ...
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Different ways to program using the power station
I am going to use the same four exercises and show you a number of different ways to program them using the power station. This should help give you some more ideas on how to use the power station.  The four exercises I will use are the sled push, sled pull or drag, recline rows and dips.The exercises can be grouped in to push or pulls so there are two upper and lower body pushes and pulls.  You can perform two upper or lower body exercises together or push and pull movements together. A combination could look like this:             1a Sled push            1b ...
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Medicine Ball Drills for Speed
Being strong and powerful in the gym will help you on the field, but you need to know how to convert gym strength into field strength. Obviously the core of your training should comprise barbells, dumbells, kettlebells and the like, but for something extra that's where the medicine ball comes in. Medicine balls are light which lets you use high speed movement in a very specific movement pattern which is ideal for power generation. Rotational drills can help with change of direction. Note how the hips are free to move.  If you don’t move your hips you will hurt your back. Triple extension medicine ...
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Power bands for soccer
Soccer is a game that involves lots of ball control and quick running bursts. Changes of pace and direction are key in soccer. Being stronger helps you accelerate and decelerate, but you must train agility as well. Power Bands are great for soccer because they improve your agility and acceleration by increasing demands of any movement you perform. Acceleration is more important than increasing top speed because you don’t reach top speed until around 50M. You can perform some power band drills before your resistance training session or during training. During training you can wrap the band around the goal posts or ...
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Improve your grip with kettlebells
Kettlebells are a great tool for your grip because they can develop the grip in a number of different ways. They can be used to improve your grip strength, grip endurance and/or grip power. Kettlebell snatches are a great exercise for grip power or grip endurance.
 At heavier loads, the snatch generates a huge amount of power and this will try to rip the bell from your hands at its lowest point. Here, your grip must fight to hold the bell as you convert this eccentric power, into an explosive concentric movement. Bottom-up presses are great for developing grip strength because you must ‘crush’ ...
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The Power Station for Rugby
The Power Station offers the rugby team, or individual rugby player, many benefits.  Strength and power are essential for rugby, with vertical exercises such as squats, power cleans and deadlifts being staples for most rugby players.  However, horizontal exercises like scrum machine drills and sled runs are also used a lot.  This is where the Power Station comes into its own. The Power Station is such good value for money because you can perform vertical movements like squats as well as horizontal movements like sled runs.  You can perform an almost identical movement to the scrum machine by adjusting the middle ...
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Hamstring prehab with swings
Hamstring injuries commonly occur with ballistic muscles actions. The sprinting and kicking involved in AFL often leads to hamstring injuries. The swing is a great exercise to prehab hamstrings against injuries. It does this by: Improving muscle balance: It is common to have stronger quads than hamstrings. This increases the chance of injury because the hamstrings have to decelerate the movement created by the quads. E.g. when kicking a ball your hamstring will be relaxing when your quads are working hard, then they have to switch on hard to prevents joint injury at the end of the movement. So if the quads ...
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Rest Periods Between Sets
Lots of people in the gym don’t pay enough attention to rest periods,  they just do the next set when they feel up to it.  Advanced lifters who know their bodies really well can get away with this, but for most people they might have a good or bad day at the gym and have no idea why. Rest periods will greatly affect performance from set to set.  Your rest periods should be determined by your goals and workload. If you’re trying to gain mass, shorter rest periods 30-90 seconds are better than 3-5 minutes rest.  Shorter rest periods will increase hormonal ...
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Battling Rope Ideas
John Brookfield is super strong and he invented battling ropes. Here are a few of his videos that should give you some ideas.      
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Power to the People Professional Quick Review.
Power to the people professional is focused on improving the power lifts (bench, deadlift and squat).  There are 4 chapters: 1.Total, 2. Squat, 3.Press and 4.Pull. Each section looks at elite lifters in these areas. It runs through their tips and their program design. There are some great tips, but the thing that I really like is the programs. It’s not just some weekly thing, it has the programs they used sometime three months out. Showing how they prepared and how they peak for their comps is invaluable. Power to the people professional
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Strength Training for GS
I was reading an article about explosive-strength training and improving 5-km running time trial. This made me wonder if it could be applied to GS. Lots of people training GS already do power/strength training, but if your not you may be missing out. In the study they used normal training (with less volume) with sport specific explosive-strength: this included sprinting, jumping drills and leg press exercise using fast tempo. This showed greater improvements then just doing normal training. Sport specific explosive-strength: for GS would be swings and all the lifts just with heavier weight, maybe a few deadlift or barbell power ...
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Macebell Drills
Macebells build barbarian like core and grip strength. These videos should give you some ideas. Mace Bell Training     Macebell - Pendulum Shove    Macebell Gravediggers  70LB Macbell! Heavy swings  Mace Core Drills By Jamie Douse checkout his web site  
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Resistance Band Workouts
Here are some Power Band workout ideas with Dave Schmitz. You can use bands in a combo with kettlebells, barbells, or just by them selves. Easy to take on the road and you can still get a great workout. Dave Schmitz is a Physical Therapist, CSCS and PES who has implemented resistance bands into his rehabilitative, fitness and performance hancement programs since 1997.  Known as the 'Band Man' by some'¦ Dave is becoming the expert and your #1 resource for REACTIVE - RBT. Band Training to improve 40 yard dash Resistance Band Training with Kettlebells 3 ways to stretch the Hamstring... Upper Body Band Strength training Going Heavy with ...
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10 Tips for Flawless Squatting
10 Tips for Flawless Squattin' By Mike Robertson Originally posted at You've heard it a thousand times. To get big and strong, ya' gotta' squat. But how many of you are doing it right? The squat isn't as complex as a clean and jerk, but whether you're a competitive powerlifter or just the basic trainee trying to put some size on your wheels, paying attention to some of the details of the lift can pay huge dividends. Let's take a closer look at how to squat properly, then discuss some common problems and how to fix them. No More Ugly Squats! The key to the ...
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The Ten Most Common Strength Training Mistakes Made by Martial Artists
 This article is by Charles Staley from 1) Not training for strength: Many martial artists feel that strength training is counter-productive, causing one to become too large and slow, despite the fact that in every other sport known to man, it makes athletes faster. Training like a bodybuilder (see mistake number 3) can certainly produce these undesirable effects, but properly designed strength training programs improve strength, speed, agility, endurance, and technical performance. Strength training should be viewed as a tool, the utility of which depends upon the context it’s used in. 2) Training for the wrong kind of strength: Strength as a bio-motor ...
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Power Station Circuits part 2
The following programs are designed to be used on the power station  using some of the additional equipment that you can get with it. For these circuit you can go for time or reps. If these exercises are easy for you go for time, if they are hard go for reps. In most of these videos I'm using 5-6 reps for each exercise. You can use any of the circuits below to add into your workout, or combine 2 or 3 for your training session. Perform 2-5 rounds for the circuits with 4 or 5 exercises. Perform 5-10 rounds for the circuits with 2 or 3 exercises. If your going for time ...
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Assess and Correct Review
Assess and Correct is a new two dvd set from Eric Cressey, Bill Hartman and Mike Robertson. It’s a step up from their previous work Magnificent Mobility.  It is a more comprehensive toll than Magnificent Mobility because it creates an individual program for everyone.  It does this by having two parts, not surprisingly the "assess" and "correct" sections. There are 27 assessments, mainly looking at muscle length and strength defects, which are a great screening tool.  If you fail any of the assessments, the "correct" dvd will help you fix it.  The "correct" dvd has 78 exercises/progressions designed to work specifically on ...
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Power Ropes Sample Circuit
Power ropes are an excellent tool for fat loss and conditioning because you use your whole body with all of the exercises (see video below) . Power ropes are ideal for interval training.  Most beginners struggle to maintain good form for 45 seconds, so start off with short intervals, tabata works well. Tabata = 20 sec of work at high intensity, 10 sec off, for 8 rounds, total of 4 mins. Ropes are also great in circuits.  In the circuit below one station out of 4 is power ropes. This would allow you to increase the work periods to 30-45 secs, rest 10-15 secs. 1a ...
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Sandbag complexes
Here are some complexes you can use with your sandbag. Perform the complexes with out dropping the bag or resting between exercises. Time yourself, write it down and try and beat it the next session you perform it. With a light bag Shouldering  5-8 reps Press 5-8 reps Over head lunge 5-8 reps (each leg) Squats 5-8 reps Bent over rows 5-8 reps Good mornings 5-8 reps 3-5 sets, rest 2-3 mins With a medium bag Shouldering 5-8 reps Walking lunge 5-8 reps (each leg) Push press 5-8 reps High pulls 5-8 reps Bent over row 5-8 reps 3-5 sets, rest 2-3 mins With a ...
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Power Station Circuits
The following programs are designed to be used on the power station with minimal additional equipment and minimal adjustment of that equipment. For these circuit you can go for time or reps. If these exercises are easy for you go for time, if they are hard go for reps. You can use any of the circuits below to add into your workout, or combine 2 or 3 for your training session. Perform 2-5 rounds. Below I have prescribed 45 work/ 15 rest, but you could use 30 work/ 30 rest or do 15 reps of each. Just do whatever is a good ...
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16 Week Program for General Athletic & Physical Development Using the Power Station
Here is a 16 week program for general athletic and physical development using the power station. It moves from higher volume and intensity increases as the weeks go on.    Weeks 1-4 Session A (Monday) 1. Deadlift. Start off with 3-5 set X 6-7 reps @ 8 RM with 2-3 mins rest, when you achieve 5 sets of 7 add 10Kgs when you try again.   2. Swings. 1 set of 50reps +   3a. Pull up (over hand grip). Start off with 3-5 set X 8 reps @ 10 RM 1 mins rest 3b. Military press. start off with 3-5 set X 8 reps @ 10 RM 1 mins ...
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Power Clubs, Indian Clubs
Clubs have many similarities and differences to the kettlebell.  They share many similar exercise and are both old school tools making a big come back. Club are very versatile because their centre of mass is displaced from your hand, they can be used for anything from power and strength training right through to rehab training. Shoulder health Clubs are great for shoulder health.  During slower exercises such as the torch press the club requires lots of stability, which improves the coordination of not only the shoulder but the entire body. In faster exercises such as the club swipe there is also improved coordination, ...
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Micro Resistance Bands
Band are not a new thing, but short bands offer a new and alternative way to use resistance bands. The micro resistance bands offer a simple and convenient way to perform warm ups/activation drills, improve form and increase the challenge of traditional exercises. WARM UPS/ACTIVATION DRILLS Micro resistance bands can be used for activation drills, which is a great addition to any warm up. Activation drills are an exercise that targets specific muscles to improve their performance or to help prevent injury during the work out. Once a muscle has been stimulated it will be easier to activate. Common activation drills for the ...
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Weighted Vest
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="233"] The weighted vest by Australian Kettlebells[/caption] This article is designed to give you an insight into the many different way you can use weight vests.  Weight vests can be used to increase the challenge of strength, power and body weight exercises. Weight vests work really well with strength exercises that specifically challenge one body part over another. The overhead squat is a good example of this, the weight you use is limited by the amount of weight you can stabilise over head, not by your leg strength. By adding the weight vest you’re increasing the stress on your ...
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Crossfit Equipment in Australia
Attention all Crossfit owners. Australian Kettlebells has a full range of Crossfit equipment in stock. Products include; Kettlebells (classic and Pro grade) Resistance Bands Economy bumper plates Weight lifting bars Aqua Bags and Slosh Balls Weightlifting shoes Gymnastic rings Power ropes Torsonators Plus more We have put together a specific section on our website dedicated to Crossfit training and Crossfit equipment. We offer wholesale rates to any Crossfit Gym and can work with you to help you get the equipment specifically for your needs. Having already assisted 30 Crossfit Gyms get kitted out, we think we'll be able to get you going with ...
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Positions Explained: Clean vs. Deadlift
By Phil Stevens from As a power lifter and one who prides himself on a big and ever increasing deadlift I have become a student of the positions one needs to reach to achieve proper and efficient from in the dead lift. I have become as well a firm believe through teaching the correct positions first and foremost the rest of the things will work them selves out in time. By knowing and achieve each position your are then best able to transition to the next, and as well by knowing them first you then have the ability to ID what went ...
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Foam Rollers
I highly recommend getting regular soft tissue work, but people often don’t get treatment as much as they should. In a lot of case regular soft tissue work is the different between getting an overuse injury or not. The foam roller is an excellent tool for self massage between treatments. Foam rollers come in many different densities, sizes and shapes, depending on your needs. When you first start incorporating foam rollers into your training regime,  it's best to use them at the end of a session, or during flexibility training. However, once your body is used to it you can start incorporating ...
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How to use the different slosh balls
Some people are unsure how to use different aqua based equipment. There are small, medium and large slosh balls available, and each of them can be loaded according to your own goals – from filling them with air to water or even iron shot*. SMALL BALL Out of the whole family, the small ball most closely mirrors a medicine ball. The main difference obviously being the sloshing water inside, which gives it an edge of its own. Unlike medicine balls however slosh balls are not so suited to being slammed into the ground… The small ball is excellent for working on speed, power ...
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Resistance Bands
My first encounter with bands, like most peoples, was in a rehab setting for a shoulder injury. In recent years bands have become much more than just a rehab tool. They can help you achieve almost any performance goal. Agility is the ability to change direction, for most sports improving agility will greatly increase your sports performance. The agility band is a great load enhancer. It really helps with acceleration and deceleration. Deceleration is very important for absorbing force, changing direction and injury prevention. Acceleration is more important in most sports than maximal speed because it take can around 50 metres to ...
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Structural Versus Randomized Training Concepts
I love it how there are so many different paths you can take to reach your goals. Charles has a great mind for breaking down programs and coming up with different ways to reach your goals. Structural Versus Randomized Training Concepts By Charles Staley Recently, through the work of popular fitness movements such as CrossFit and its many imitators, the previously unexplored concept of randomized training has received a significant amount of popularity throughout the fitness community. This popularity is not without reason- randomized workouts have significant benefits, but like all approaches, random training also has its drawbacks. In this article, I'll compare and ...
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Slosh Balls
I've found slosh balls are a great tool for developing many different qualities. They also work very well with groups. They can be used for improving conditioning, stability, strength or even team building. I've found using relays very effective for conditioning and team building. Because Slosh Balls move erratically, each exercise engages many muscle groups. This makes them ideal for developing functional strength at lower reps and great for conditioning at higher reps. Slosh balls are like possessed medicine balls. They work in the same way that aquabags do, the sloshing water is the resistance and creates a destabilising force. The more you ...
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History Of The Club
History Of The Club The most ancient weapon, the club, evolved over millennia into devastatingly effective martial arts worldwide.  Many cultural martial traditions across the planet utilized the club not just for combat, but for restorative health and developed strength: Indian Kalaripayat, Iranian Pahlavani, Okinawan Karate and Russian SAMBO. Circular Strength Training® can be traced to the to strongman competitions in Ancient Persia. They created a definitive edge in strength and endurance training.  During these times, the weight-lifter, wrestler or fighter was called a Pahlavan, or club swinging strongman. This physical exercise existed as far back as Ancient Egypt.  The most popularized international ...
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Compound EDT
New Applications For An Old Favorite! by Charles Staley Long-time Testosterone Nation readers will remember the first article I ever wrote on "Escalating Density Training" back in February, 2002. In that article, I outlined a revolutionary approach to training based on the concept of accumulating more and more density from workout to workout. (Density, just as a brush-up, is a term used to described the work-rest ratio of any given workout.) That article created a bit of a stir in the resistance-training field (to put it mildly), probably due to EDT's "break all the rules" approach. Perhaps the most dearly-held broken "rule" was the ...
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Aqua Bags for fat loss and conditioning
In the last article I looked at programs for prehab and strengthening. In this article I will address program design for fat loss and conditioning. The aqua bag has an unstable nature, so when carrying out a normal movement the aquabag attempts to pull you off your course. Receptors in your muscles and joints monitor how the aquabag is trying to pull you off course and adapt to it. The aquabag is randomly attempting to pull you off balance, this will load your body causing you to resist the load created by the directional pull of the aquabag. These random contractions created by ...
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Intro To Sledgehammer Training
This is another article by Jamie Hale on his experiences with sledgehammer training from Intro To Sledgehammer Training By Coach Jamie Hale I was outside of my facility (Total Body Fitness) a few weeks ago doing some Sledgehammer Tire Chopping when I heard some giggles as I pounded away on the tire. When I turned to see where the giggles were coming from I discovered it was one of my clients who I train 2x times per week. This guy is 50 years old and has significantly increased his over all fitness levels within the last year. He looks and me says ...
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Soft tissue work with medicine balls
Medicine balls are a great exercise tool. They can also be very effective for self massage. I highly recommend getting regular soft tissue work, but people often don’t get treatment as much as they should. You can increase the pressure of the self massage by getting harder and or smaller objects. Smaller objects like golf balls are great for focusing on a small area, but it takes longer to work on a big muscle like the quads. The medicine ball is great for soft tissue work because of its shape and pressure. This lets you do big muscles as well as ...
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Aqua Bags
Lots of strength coaches have incorporated chaos theory into their training systems. Coaches such as John Davies (Renegade training), Louie Simmons (Westside barbell) and Paul Check all employ chaos theory to improve training outcomes. Chaos theory comes from the scientific idea that tiny changes at a micro scale such as a butterfly flapping its wings can have great consequence on the overall macro system, exemplified by the butterfly effect, whereby a butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon results in a thunderstorm on the other side of the world. Now how can this apply to the aqua bag? The very nature of ...
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Juggernaut Training
This is a great article on sled training for GPP by Jamie Hale. Jamie Hale is Sports Conditioning Coach, author, outdoor enthusiast, fitness and nutrition consultant. Jamie is a member of the World Marital Arts Hall of Fame in recognition of his conditioning work with Martial Artists. So this is a great one for you MMA people, this article is from his web site Juggernaut Training By Jamie Hale Juggernaut: overwhelming advancing force that crushes everything in it’s path. I was looking at an exercise equipment catalog a few days ago when I came across an interesting piece of equipment. It was a ...
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Louie Simmons On Kettlebells
Louie Simmons is a famous powerlifter who you have probably heard of, and this is an article he has written about how Westside Barbell uses kettlebells. Using Kettlebells By Louie Simmons I am asked all the time what we do with kettle bells. Although they have been around forever, they have once again become the rage. There are kettle bell camps and certifications. Pavel has several DVDs on kettle bell workouts for strength training and flexibility. Zach Evan-Esh has an excellent DVD on combat training with kettle bells. He has really thought out a system for conditioning and strength endurance. But what does Westside ...
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New moves with the Torsonator
The Torsonator can be used to build a strong core and help prevent injuries. There are lots of Torsonator exercises but in this article we will look at how the Torsonator can be used to prevent unwanted movement. The abdominal wall is only a small part of the core and it rarely works in isolation. Here is a quick review of its function; Rectus abdominus – Trunk flexion, resists trunk extension e.g. when you snatch a kettlebell over head it tries to go behind you and pull backwards, putting you off balance. The force goes though your arm and into you torso, ...
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Sled Training for Conditioning
The sled is a great versatile strength and conditioning tool. It can be combined with kettlebells, ropes, sandbags or weight vests for a brutal workout. Lots of the exercises have less emphasis on the eccentric contraction so you don’t get too sore after training, e.g. when you do a lunge with only sled the resistance is stopping you going forward not pulling you down with gravity. Another benefit of the sled is that the leg can be loaded in full extension. Backward/forwards sled dragging are great strength exercise, you can count each step as a rep, or go for distance or ...
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Sled Training To Improve Your Leg Drive
Whether you’re a sprinter, athlete or someone that just wants to improve your leg drive, the power sled is an awesome tool for you. The power sled is an ideal piece of equipment to improve your acceleration and maximum speed because you are able to put more force into the ground when you’re running. The sled efficiently develops highly specific strength and is great for converting power from the weight room onto the field. The optimal sled load for speed is a load that does not slow you down more then 10%. On a synthetic track this will be around 10% ...
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New Admin Assistant
Hi I’m Lauren; I will be taking over from the fantastic Emily–as the admin assistant at Australian Kettlebells–as she moves up in the Kettlebell world. I’ll be taking care of all the phone and email inquiries, and of course helping out Rick, Cameron and the rest of the boys. I have a background in Journalism and Public Relations and spent my teenage years swimming and playing on every sport team my school had to offer. Unlike Emily I don’t have extensive experience with Kettlebells, but I am keen to try them out and will update you on my progress–I am having my first ...
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The Australian Kettlebeller of the Year
Rick and I have named Mark Elliot the Australian Kettlebeller of 2008. Mark has used kettlebells to get back into shape after leaving the army. Most impressive is Mark's passion for kettlebells and fitness. He has started a fitness revolution in his home town of Leeton, getting up to 60 people a week attending his kettlebell training classes. If you live near by don't hesitate to contact Mark. He is an AKI and certainly knows his stuff. You can check out more here. Mark has won a special gold coloured 48kg kettlebell for his efforts.
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What's a great workout you can do from home?
Our resident movie stars Chris and James take you through a killer at home workout. It only takes about two minutes but Chris said this was tough. The Power Vest added a new dimension and increased the intensity. If you're feeling really game you could repeat for 2-5 rounds. Make sure you don't over do it! Let us know your thoughts. Enjoy the video below:
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A Killer Kettlebell Workout For the Girls
Our dynamic duo, Chris and James (with the help of Nicole) take you through a killer workout. Aimed specifically for the girls, this is a challenging but fun exercise routine for the ladies. Watch the video below: A killer kettlebell routine for the girls
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The Torsonator Has Arrived
Comrades, The Torsonator has arrived. This could be the most effective and functional Ab and core training device to hit our shores. If you're looking for a functional and effective way to develop core strength, then The Torsonator can help you. Superb rotational power: Ideal for grapplers and most sports people. Done standing up: This makes it functional, unlike those Ab machines that are used lying down. Works the entire body: Give your grip, arms, back and legs some action at the same time. The Torsonator is highly versatile. Effective: A few minutes on the Torsonator and you'll know what we're ...
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Fun and games with the Adjustable Kettlebell
Our two crazy trainers James and Chris (aka, Tenacity and Billy) have put together a video explaining the adjustable kettlebell. Here's some more detail; It comes in the traditional Russian colours and is the Pro Grade shape Maximum weight is 40kg Minimum weight is around 6.5kg There's plenty of options in between Easy to use and comes with everything you need to start kettlebelling in minutes View the video below:
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Bench Press Seminar
Our friends from Elite Sports Performance are holding a bench press seminar on January 24 from their Footscray gym. Not only are these guys experts in their field, they're a bunch of top Comrades! Cost for this "hands on" event is $100 and you'll be taken through the following; Technique and setup How to use bands, chains and kettlebells Speed and Max effort training Assistance work to build the bench Weak point training Training overview If your bench press isn't all that it could or needs to be then these boys will be able to set you on the right track. Be sure to act quickly because there's only ...
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Qigong - Steve Cotter style
A big component of Steve Cotter's training is recharging the body and relaxing the mind after each workout. He uses a technique called Qigong (pronounced: ch'i kung). The 20 minute Qigong session at the end of each 5-hour workshop left many participants energised and ready to go again. Steve has been kind enough to shoot through a PDF of his Qigong routine. It's a large file and has been compressed to reduce the size. Click here to get your free copy of Steve's Qigong routine. If you have any problems please let us know. Enjoy!
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The differences between "classic" and Pro Grade kettlebells
I would like a dollar for every time we've been asked about the differences between "classic" and Pro Grade kettlebells. This post will outline the differences and be sure to check out the video below. The main difference... The classic kettlebells increase in size as the weight increases. A 4kg bell is really small, while the 64kg kettlebell is a monster! The Pro Grade kettlebells are uniform in size with the shape of the bell and handle remaining the same. This feature give the Pro Grade Kettlebells some advantages over the standard kettlebell; You don't have to adjust your technique when moving back ...
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Lance Armstrong using kettlebells
I just found this article on Lance Armstrong. Seems the cycling legend is getting the unfair advantage with kettlebells. He looks in great shape!
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How to protect your shoulders from injury
I've had a lot of requests from patients and personal trainers to write an article that encompasses the science behind how people injure their shoulders when weight training and also the specific elements behind my successful rehabilitation protocols, especially my unique application of clubbells to this problem. In my experience, and that is a fair bit, the following article answers the problem for about 95% of gym related shoulder injuries. There are, naturally, some exceptions to the following scenarios. I recommend that anyone who suffers from a shoulder injury does consult a knowledgeable physiotherapist, one who has experience in shoulder injuries in ...
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My experience with kettlebells
Thought this would be a good time to give you my experience with kettlebells. In particular, I'd like to give my thoughts and opinions on the past week tagging along on the Steve Cotter tour. Straight off the bat I'm not a fitness person. I play golf. I can walk 18 holes comfortably and am happy with my golf level. I haven't done any serious training since I ended a soccer career over 15 years ago. I feel I'm a typical Aussie bloke, a bit overweight but generally in good health. What a shock it was to attend the first of Cotter's ...
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We're Back!
After a hectic week of travel and kettlebell seminars with Steve Cotter, Cam and I are back in the office. Don't know how Steve does it, but seven seminars in eight days was not enough for him -he's now off to Auckland to do a couple more. Cam's been in recovery mode all week and doesn't want to touch or see a kettlebell ever again! We'd like to thank everyone for turning up and those that helped prepare each event. We think it was a huge success and look forward to doing something similar next year. Let us know your thoughts ...
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Steve Cotter Kettlebell Workshop Tour
Hey Comrades, We've been crossing the country with Steve Cotter doing kettlebell workshops. We're currently in Canberra after a successful workshop last night. The boys in Canberra were keen and in excellent shape. They've definitely set the bench mark for the rest of the country. The feedback has been good so far. Many have struggled with the unique training style - it's all about work capacity rather than doing low repetition set. As Steve keeps saying, "It's not about the heaviest weight you can lift one time - it's about finding a weight you can sustain for a given period of time". The ...
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Steve Cotter Tour - Melbourne, and a special guest
Hey Comrades, We had our first Steve Cotter Workshop in Melbourne yesterday. There was a good turn out and Steve put on a great show. He doesn't miss a beat and is a wealth of knowledge. We were also joined by Paul Tucker, Australia's leading kettlebell user. Paul has competed at the World Championships and is an authority of girevoy sport. A highlight was Paul's juggling demonstration at the lunch break. Check the video out below; We'll add more videos from the other venues, including some footage of Steve Cotter performing his "freak show" moves. Thanks to all those that attended. We're off to Perth ...
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Kettlebell Websites in Australia
Kettlebell Comrades, If you have a kettlebell website and you'd like us to link to it please let us know. We're trying to get a list of all kettlebell and associated websites in Australia. If you'd like your website added to our list, please forward your details to us, or submit you request below.
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Kettlebells on the Mornington Peninsula
Hello Comrades, One of our Victorian AKI's, Haydn Edwards, has started his own kettlebell training classes on the Mornington Peninsula. Located in the Morington and Mt Martha area, Hayden and his wife Nicky are a great team and come highly recommended. If you're looking for some kettlebell training and want to get fit for Christmas give them a call on 0415 936 332 or visit their website, Over and out.
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Last chance for Steve Cotter
Steve Cotter is on his way. He arrives Friday and is all set for the upcoming "Steve Cotter Tour". I'd like to thank those who have supported me and signed up. It was looking a bit ordinary for a while but the sign ups have really improved in the last week. Thank you. Steve is a real authority on kettlebells and it promises to be an information packed and awesome learning experience. I'm finalising numbers etc in the next day or so. If you haven't locked in your spot this is your last chance. Don't miss out - get involved today.
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GapingVoid on Kettlebells
I found this article on kettlebells. This guy has an interesting blog and makes some great points on kettlebells. Go check it out! Over and out.
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What I like about kettlebells
Ok, it's no surprise that I'm a big fan of kettlebells. After all, they've become my business and helped me get into the best shape of my life. (I'm a bit rusty at the moment but I'm getting back into it) Here's what I like most about kettlebells and kettlebell training: The workouts are fast: Train the whole body with the one tool. You can wipe yourself out (if you choose to) in an express 10 minute workout. I can do them anywhere. There is too much down time going to the gym. With kettlebells I can do a workout anywhere ...
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Can you do this?
This is pretty impressive - a perfect jerk with three kettlebells in one hand. About 48kgs. Also note the poor technique of the other guy in the background - not even close! If you can do anything similar let us know. Over and out.
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The Aussie Dollar Sucks
Comrades, At the risk of sounding like I'm complaining, the Aussie dollar sucks at the moment. I don't know how it can go from about .98 cents to .60 cents in the US dollar. I thought the US were having the problems? Anyway, it's not good for our ordering as a lot of our gear comes from overseas and we have to pay in US bucks. It means that we have to pay a lot more for our shipments - the last order was more than $22,000 more than we'd expected. Nice surprise that was! The bottom line is that our prices are ...
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Steve Cotter is coming
Comrades, Steve Cotter is coming to Australia in November 08. Cotter is a fitness legend, having been US Kung Fu Champion and more recently regarded as a kettlebell authority. Better still, Steve is a Champion presenter, he has a simple and direct delivery style that allows everyone to get an insight into his wealth of knowledge. We're happy to have him here and we'd like you to come meet him. We've arranged dates and venues in all the major cities; Melbourne - November 15 Perth - November 18 Adelaide - November 19 Canberra - November 20 Sydney - November 21-22 Brisbane - November 23 It would be great if ...
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Hello from Australian Kettlebells
G'day fellow kettlebellers. Welcome to our brand new blog. We plan to keep you up to date on all the latest news, products and stories from the world of Australian Kettlebells. If you would like to leave a comment please do so in the space provided. Until next time, happy kettlebelling Rick
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